What’s New?

New Law Provides Necessary Pandemic Relief to Youth in the Juvenile Justice System

Posted on July 2, 2020

Governor Murphy signed S2511 into law yesterday, which will immediately eliminate some of the fines and financial penalties imposed on youth involved in the juvenile justice system and reduce reliance on medically dangerous congregate care settings for young people. The law will now bring about relief from the pandemic for those involved in the system.

The pandemic has led to unprecedented economic and public health emergencies in our state. While families try to maintain their safety, health and well-being during this crisis, they also face significant financial strain. This is particularly true for the families of youth involved in the juvenile legal system, many of whom were already living in poverty before the pandemic. This law will reduce some of the stress on vulnerable families by immediately abolishing those court-imposed financial penalties that already were scheduled to be eliminated in November pursuant to the prior legislation. 

The bill reduces the risk of harm from COVID-19 to incarcerated youth, staff of Juvenile Justice Commission facilities and the community at large by prohibiting the re-incarceration of youth who have completed their entire custodial terms and are on post-incarceration supervision status. Bringing youth who have not committed any new offenses into juvenile facilities during the pandemic places facility staff and residents at a heightened risk of medical harm, which in turn gives rise to a broader public health risk when staff return home to their communities each day. The bill will allow New Jersey to take a vital step toward reducing the spread of the disease.

Finally, the bill will play an important role in promoting a more equitable system, as the economic and medical harms it will reduce disproportionately impact Black and Latino youth. By implementing these provisions immediately, New Jersey will be taking an important step in confronting and eliminating these disparities.  ACNJ thanks Governor Murphy and the primary sponsors: Senators Nellie Pou and Shirley Turner, and Assemblymembers Benjie Wimberly and Verlina Reynolds-Jackson for their leadership on this issue.

NJDOE Releases New Back to School Guidelines

Posted on June 26, 2020

The NJ Department of Education just released its guidelines on how school districts can begin to plan how best to provide education to their students in the next school year. "The Road Back: Restart and Recovery for Education," outlines the four principles that school districts must follow in moving forward, including:

  • Ensuring a conducive and learning atmosphere;
  • Supporting educational leaders with planning;
  • Providing policy guidance and necessary funding to schools; and
  • Securing continuity of learning.

Governor Murphy said in today's press conference, that "no one size fits
all" can be taken as school districts move forward. That means that how
children learn come September, will likely look different from one
community to another.

Read news story from NJ.com: N.J. schools will reopen with masks, social distancing and sweeping new rules under just-released plan


Legislative Hearing Informs Lawmakers of Child Care Industry’s Unprecedented Struggle Amidst Economic Recovery

Posted on June 26, 2020

On June 25, 2020, Assemblywoman Gabriela Mosquera, chair of the Women and Children Committee, held a committee hearing, inviting parents, advocates and child care business owners to share the impact that COVID-19 has had on child care. As New Jersey proceeds through this pandemic, it's essential that we have a child care system in place for children and families. Child care is the workforce behind the workforce.

ACNJ would like to thank the incredible group of child care advocates who testified yesterday on why saving child care is critically important to children, working families and our economy.

President Issues Executive Order to Strengthen Child Welfare System

Posted on June 25, 2020

On June 24, President Donald Trump issued an executive order in order to strengthen the federal child welfare system. This order, effective immediately, seeks to reduce the need for foster care and the time spent in it, while facilitating achievement of permanency through reunification, adoption or guardianship. 

Currently, there are over 400,000 children in foster care nationwide, and many of those children have been waiting to be adopted. Additionally, 20,000 children age out of foster care every year without finding a permanent home. Per the executive order, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will be responsible for “improving partnerships, improving resources and improving oversight.” 

To help ensure that children in foster care, HHS has been directed to:

  • collect data on the demographics of children in foster care and foster families, foster parent retention and certification time, the number of foster homes needed to serve children, and the time it takes across the states to complete certification for foster care and adoption. 
  • provide guidelines on state agency partnerships with local public, private, faith-based, and community organizations. In addition to publishing data that can be used to aid services, HHS will hold states accountable, “to the extent consistent with applicable law,” for using organizations to help recruit and support foster parents. 
    • The Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) predicts these partnerships will be useful for nonprofits struggling to stay afloat amid the pandemic and recession.
  • develop a plan to ensure kinship guardians and youth aging out of foster care can access the services available to them. This includes the urging of states to use federal funding for kinship guardianship agreements.
  • issue guidance on the flexible use of Title IV-E entitlements for quality legal representation of parents and children, as well as legal support staff. 
  • use “all existing technical assistance” to promote the National Training and Development Curriculum. Additionally, it must increase availability of trauma-informed training by making it free and web-based.
  • require that IV-E reviews and Child and Family Services reviews adequately address things like reasonable efforts in preventing removal and establishing permanency and timeliness of Termination of Parental Rights filing.
  • collect the standards used across the states for risk assessments and, within 18 months, issue best practice standards.
  • conduct a study on the implementation of the 1994 Multiethnic Placement Act (MEPA), which bars discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in placement. HHS must then issue guidance on implementation and the rights of parents, prospective parents, and children with disabilities.

By following these steps, the federal government hopes to help our most vulnerable children succeed.

Helpful Resources:

The Executive Order: “Strengthening the Child Welfare System for America’s Children”

Statement from the Children’s Bureau

Child Welfare League of America statement on the Executive Order

The Chronicle of Social Change, “What’s Actually in the Trump Executive Order on Child Welfare”

Unlocking Potential: Our Ambitious Roadmap to Close Inequities for NJ Babies

Posted on June 24, 2020

In order to give all children a strong and equitable start in life, New Jersey must begin with an intentional focus on eliminating racial inequities and disparities in access to essential supports, according to a new report, Unlocking Potential, released today by Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ).

Read Unlocking Potential, A Roadmap to Making New Jersey the Safest, Healthiest and Most Supportive Place to Give Birth and Raise a Family

The statewide plan, funded by the Pritzker Children's Initiative (PCI), provides the action steps needed to achieve concrete targets related to early childhood development with the goal of ensuring an additional 25 percent of low-income infants and toddlers - 27,000 young children - will have access to high-quality services by 2023. These supports include access to quality child care, home visiting, health and mental health services.

Unlocking Potential is based on the belief that we all have a role to play in achieving equity and that supporting equal opportunities at the start of a child’s life is the first step in eliminating disparities that impact outcomes for babies, families and communities. The foundation for change is in place; the opportunity is now!