New Jersey's Future Begins with Babies

Let's raise our voices to tell state leaders to make infants and toddlers a state priority.

Strolling Thunder New Jersey 2024

During Strolling Thunder, parents raised their voices for what babies and their families need to thrive by meeting with their legislative representatives and engaging in conversations about raising young children and the programs and policies they need to support their baby’s healthy development.

Meet Juliana and Mylah, New Jersey's 2024 National Strolling Thunder Family

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Juliana, Mylah, and her two older brothers met with their members of Congress today as part of ZERO TO THREE’s Strolling Thunder™ event to bring national attention to what families need for infants and toddlers to thrive. Juliana advocated for accessible, affordable high-quality child care. After searching for care for her baby, she experienced first-hand how difficult it is to qualify for child care assistance and how limited center-based infant care options are. Her advice to expectant parents: "Search early, so you get on a waitlist!" At a time when a child's brain is growing so rapidly, there should be stronger investments in accessing early childhood opportunities.

Juliana's story — and the stories of 50 other families at Strolling Thunder™ — highlight the challenges that families with young children across the country face because public policy has failed to keep up with their realities, and the services and programs that can help.


View footage from past Strolling Thunder New Jersey events

Check out our first virtual Strolling Thunder New Jersey 2020.

The compelling voices of StrollingThunder New Jersey 2019 tell leaders what babies need.  

At StrollingThunder New Jersey 2018 leaders were asked to Help Be a Hero for Babies!

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