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Promoting Preventive Health Among New Jersey’s Children

Posted on October 26, 2022


Posted 10/26/2022


By Alana Vega
ACNJ Health Policy Analyst and Youth Engagement Coordinator

Well-child visits, also known as check-ups or routine pediatrician visits, are an important part of preventative healthcare for children and adolescents. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends a “periodicity schedule” for children beginning when they are just a few days old through 21 years of age. According to AAP, children ages three and older should receive annual check-ups with their providers, while younger children should see a doctor more frequently. These check-ups are important for a variety of reasons, including disease prevention through regularly scheduled immunizations, testing a child’s blood for traces of lead and tracking a child’s developmental milestones. Visits are also important for parents. In addition to providing a chance to ask questions and raise concerns, pediatric visits are an opportunity to screen mothers for signs of maternal depression.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, several entities, including Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), highlighted a national decline in routine well-child visits. Several factors may have lead to this. In 2020, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance encouraged health providers to delay non-emergency services in an effort to target resources to combat the pandemic. Additionally, parent concerns regarding exposure to COVID may have contributed to fewer visits. Although there was some evidence of an increase in pediatric care conducted via telehealth, these visits did not offset the declines.

One study indicates that missed visits were reported more for certain age groups than others--with nearly half of children ages 2-6 and 7-12 missing well-visits. Comparatively, roughly a quarter of parents of children under age 2 reported missing a routine visit. The same study indicated a higher prevalence of missed visits among Hispanic children in comparison to other racial groups; non-Hispanic Black children had the lowest rate of missed visits.

CareOral Health for Kids -- Did You Know?


Children should visit the dentist twice a year – beginning at age one! Many parents are unaware their children should see a dentist so young. Preventive dental care is an essential part of good healthcare, just as important as immunizations and wellness visits. Dental disease can harm a child’s overall well‐being and has been linked to illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and strokes. To find a dentist, parents should contact their insurance company or HMO. NJ FamilyCare, New Jersey's publicly funded health insurance program, covers oral health for children.

Lead Testing and Routine Immunizations

The decline in well-visits had a domino effect on blood lead tests and routine immunizations among children. In March 2021, the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) announced a partnership with the New Jersey Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics, in response to a decline in the number of children under age 17 screened for the presence of lead in their blood. The NJDOH annual Childhood Lead Exposure in New Jersey report, covering State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2020, showed that 78% of children turning 3 years old during SFY 2020 had at least one blood lead test in their lifetime. One year prior, 90% of children turning 3 years old had received at least one blood lead test. Early identification of lead is critical; lead is a toxic metal that can cause lifelong harm to mental and physical health. The CDC maintains that there is no safe level of lead for children.

Early reporting during the pandemic also pointed to a decrease in vaccination rates among children between March-May 2020. Subsequent CDC research showed that despite a rebound in vaccination rates from June-September 2020, rates had not recovered to sufficient levels needed to catch children up on their scheduled immunizations. In New Jersey, Annual Immunization Status Report (ASR) data show that the percentage of school aged-children in compliance with immunization requirements has decreased between the 2017-18 and 2021-22 school years (from 94.6% of students to 92.6%). All public and private schools in New Jersey are required to annually report vaccination status of students enrolled in child care, preschool, entry level grades (kindergarten or 1st grade), 6th grade and among transfer students.

Number and Percentage of Children Meeting All Immunization Requirements


What Can Be Done?

Well-visits are a core component of ensuring lifelong health for children. Missing scheduled immunizations can cause children to have vaccine preventable diseases that can lead to severe illness. And lead exposure can lead to impaired brain development that cannot be reversed--even when young children are exposed at very low levels. ACNJ supported S1507, a bill requiring blood lead testing for children before enrolling in preschool and kindergarten.  This bill intends to strengthen New Jersey’s existing universal lead screening requirements by connecting blood lead testing with school enrollment.

Beyond legislative action, there are some steps we can all take to remind families of the importance of preventive healthcare for children. Parents can use this opportunity to schedule a visit with their child’s pediatrician. Tools like the CDC’s free Milestone Tracker App allow parents to track their child’s development, and to identify any concerns or questions they may have for their next pediatrician visit.

Additionally, programs like HealthySteps, which utilize a team-based approach, can be effective models to ensure that children are reaching their developmental milestones and to provide targeted support to families. Currently there are three practices in New Jersey that implement the Healthy Steps model, with plans to expand the program to eight new sites in Camden in Newark over the next few years. Parents can use this tool to see if there is a site nearby.

As the end of 2022 draws near, we owe it to Garden State children to ensure they are building a healthy foundation for future success.

Pediatricians, you play an important role too!


 A JAMA Pediatrics study indicates a few different strategies for pediatricians to help families catch-up on well visits:

  • Consider using sick visits (when appropriate) as an opportunity to promote vaccination and potentially utilize the time to discuss preventative health.
  • Contact families directly to remind them of missed vaccines. While phone calls are helpful, text messages could be especially effective at reaching lower-income families.
  • Leverage partnerships with organizations that have strong relationships with families, children and adolescents. Though physicians are parents’ most trusted source of information regarding child vaccinations, broadening outreach efforts could be critical to reaching harder to reach populations, such as disconnected youth.
  • Partner with school districts as vaccination sites -- another effective way to reach families.

Nine Takeaways from Celebrate Babies Week 2022

Posted on October 26, 2022


Posted 10/26/2022


By Hannah Korn-Heilner
ACNJ Outreach and Policy Associate

Last week, in partnership with the New Jersey Association for Infant Mental Health (NJ-AIMH) and Montclair State University’s Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health, ACNJ participated in Celebrate Babies Week, a national initiative highlighting the mental health needs of young children. This year, our theme was “Early Relational Health: It’s Everyone’s Business.” Throughout the week, ACNJ and our partners engaged families, professionals and policymakers around the state to call attention to the needs of our youngest children. Here are ten takeaways:

  1. Babies have mental health needs too! “I didn’t even know babies could have mental health issues,” Assembly Women and Children’s Committee Chair Gabriela Mosquera remarked at last Thursday’s hearing focused on this topic. And she’s not alone. Babies are often left out of the conversation, yet supporting an infant’s social and emotional growth can have a profound effect on their lives as adults. Watch the NJ Spotlight video on the hearing.
  2. It’s about relationships. Healthy emotional well-being grows from positive connections between babies and their caregivers. These safe, stable and nurturing relationships create an environment in which babies develop the capacity to express emotions, develop relationships and explore. Watch a recording of the webinar presented by Dr. Kaitlin Mulcahy Director at CAECMH focused on Early Relational Health (Passcode: ERH2022! ).
  3. It takes a village. From child care providers to home visitors, doulas, policymakers and, of course, mental health clinicians, we can all do our part in supporting the mental health of babies. On Wednesday, we held a career and networking night. Didn’t get a chance to join? Visit the New Jersey Association for Infant Mental Health.
  4. A mother’s wellness directly affects the baby. From not having enough time off to recuperate after giving birth and bond with the baby, a lack of support for maternal mental health, difficulty breastfeeding in the workplace, the rising costs of diapers and the continued struggle to find formula, parents have a lot on their plate – all while trying to mentally and physically be present for their children. Participants at ACNJ’s Dine and Discuss virtual meeting on infant mental health highlighted how there needs to be stronger programs and policies to better support families.
  5. Wraparound services at pediatrician’s offices work. HealthySteps is a model being piloted in New Jersey that places a specialist, usually a licensed behavioral health provider, in a pediatric office to address family needs and connect families to services and resources. This removes the burden from parents having to navigate an often complicated mental and behavioral health system. Read about why we should expand this program throughout the state.
  6. New Jersey should be making it easier - not harder - for families to access services as early on as possible. Often, a formal diagnosis is required for insurance to reimburse for mental health services. This prevents families from accessing services until the need is significant. The stigma of a diagnosis also deters many from even seeking treatment. Check out our blog on creating a preventative behavioral health benefit.
  7. Your advocacy is critical! Last week, mother Karma testified about the importance of the HealthySteps program. We need more champions like her! New Jersey has a Congressional Election on November 8th - check out our guide to find out who is running.
  8. There’s a hotline for professionals working with young children. Last year for Celebrate Babies Week 2021, we highlighted the SEFI program, which provides consultants for child care programs that need help supporting the emotional and behavioral needs of their young children. This year, CAECMH launched a Quick Connection hotline for professionals working with young children. Learn more.
  9. Early Relational Health is everyone’s business. Ensuring that young children and their families have the services and resources they need is not only good for our society, but it’s just good business! And for every dollar invested there is a return of $3.64

Early relational health remains an important factor in the healthy development of infants. Everyone - from parents, to providers, to policymakers - plays a role. Follow ACNJ for more information on this and other ways you can advocate for babies in New Jersey.

Assembly Women & Children’s Committee Focus on Infant Mental Health

Posted on October 21, 2022

The best time to focus on mental health starts immediately at birth! Check out NJ Spotlight News' coverage of yesterday's hearing on infant mental health and on ZERO TO THREE's HealthySteps' program, which promotes positive parenting and healthy development within the pediatric healthcare setting. The Assembly Women and Children Committee, in partnership with ACNJ, brought together a group of experts and parents to shed light on the issue and importance of  infant mental health. That same day, the committee also recognized Cecilia Zalkind's long career at ACNJ, presenting her with an official proclamation thanking Ceil for her decades of partnership and dedication to children and families in New Jersey.

Growing HealthySteps in New Jersey

Posted on October 19, 2022

HealthySteps is an evidence‐based program that serves both young children (0‐3) and their families in a pediatric health care setting. This approach is non‐stigmatizing and provides universal access, since nearly all young children regularly see a pediatric primary care provider. Child development professionals, known as HealthySteps Specialists, are housed in the doctor's office as part of the healthcare team.

Celebrate Babies Week is Bringing Early Relational Health to the Forefront

Posted on October 11, 2022

Celebrate Babies Week is coming up! Governor Murphy signed a proclamation declaring that from October 17th to 21st, New Jersey will join advocates from across the globe to celebrate infants and toddlers, and focus on the supports they need to thrive.

This year, the theme is Early Relational Health: It's Everyone's Business— because everyone plays a role in ensuring babies have healthy early relationships and experiences that promote healthy development across a child’s lifetime. According to experts, relationships, especially in the early years, are biological necessities that build a foundation for lifelong growth and development.

Join our partners at Montclair State University, Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health and New Jersey Association for Infant Mental Health for one of their many programs highlighting the importance of infant mental health.

Click to enlarge.

Monday, October 17th, 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.:

Mindful Monday - Early Relational Health: It's Everyone's Business Awareness Webinar with Dr. Kaitlin Mulcahy

Kick off the week by hearing about the emerging field of Early Relational Health and how early relationships shape lifelong health and development.


Tuesday, October 18th:

Take Action Tuesday - Tell Your Representatives to Make Babies Their Business!

National nonprofit ZERO TO THREE has many options for quick and easy advocacy that does make a difference. Take two minutes to take action on this Tuesday to share your voice and encourage our lawmakers to Think Babies!

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Wednesday, October 19th, 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.:

Workforce Wednesday - Career Panel: How Infant Mental Health is the Business of All Disciplines

Join a panel of professionals from many disciplines to hear how they incorporate infant and early childhood mental health and early relational health into their work. Networking opportunities will be provided.


Thursday, October 20th, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.:

Family Thoughts Thursday - Listening to and Talking with Families: What Families Know Should be the Business of the IMH System

Parents and families will share their experiences raising young children in New Jersey and help brainstorm policy solutions so that more families in New Jersey have access to the services they need.

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Friday, October 21st:

Forward Friday - What's Next for Infant Mental Health/Early Relational Health in New Jersey?

Stay tuned for exciting announcements about:

  • State-wide website for resource sharing and connections for the Early Relational Health workforce;
  • Access to a Quick Connection Coaching line for in-the-moment coaching on early relational health work;
  • Links to the Doula Dialogues, conversations with community doulas about their work during COVID-19;
  • New professional development workshop topics from the Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health; and
  • An exciting announcement about a new Endorsement category from the New Jersey Association for Infant Mental Health (NJ-AIMH)!

Questions? Email caecmh@montclair.edu or visit nj-aimh.org