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Changing the Trajectory of a Mental Health Crisis: It’s Time New Jersey Makes Infant Mental Health a Priority

Posted on May 24, 2022


Posted 5/24/2022


By Hannah Korn-Heilner
ACNJ Outreach and Policy Associate

Nya Earrusso-small

Nya Earrusso
MSW Student Intern/Leontine Young Fellow

Over the past two years, the nation has seen an increase in rates of mental health concerns among children, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and racial inequities. In response, a National State of Emergency in Children’s Mental Health was declared by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), and the Children’s Hospital Association (CHA).

Sounding the alarm is an important first step to addressing mental health challenges among children and adolescents and stopping the growing crisis. As we work to better understand and address the impact of the pandemic on the mental health of children, it is critical to acknowledge that infants and toddlers have mental health needs as well. Despite babies being among the most vulnerable, their needs are almost always the last to be noticed.

Why Should We Be Concerned About Babies’ Mental Health?

Infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH) often went unaddressed prior to the pandemic but it has become an even greater concern now, since babies born during the pandemic are likely to experience higher levels of mental health needs. As a result of the health crisis, many parents experienced increased stress from financial hardship, food insecurity, social isolation and trauma from the loss of family and friends, impacting their capacity to support their young one. In addition, the traditional support systems for babies and their families were disrupted by the pandemic, putting the mental health of infants at risk.

And all of this is taking place at a critical time of a babies' brain development.

Research tells us that stress and trauma can impact healthy growth and development. Fortunately, providing supports that nurture strong relationships with loving, consistent and trusting caregivers can help. But when parents are also experiencing increased stress, it can be challenging for them to provide the support their babies need.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health

Parents of young children report higher levels of concern about their children’s social development.¹ To capture the depth of the emotional toll that tangible hardship takes on families, the RAPID-EC survey, conducted by the University of Oregon, measured emotional distress in adults (depression, anxiety, stress, loneliness) and children (fearfulness/anxiety, fussiness/defiance) experienced throughout the pandemic. Results from the survey highlight the material hardships many families experienced such as difficulty paying bills, basic food needs, housing and utilities. It also revealed a steady association between the increase of material hardship and the increase in emotional distress in both parents and children. Over the course of the pandemic, the survey has shown one in four households with young children, sometimes as many as one in three, experienced material hardship, which also affected family well-being.²

The connection between material hardship and emotional distress is associated with a higher mental health risk for historically marginalized families. Black and Latino families experience significantly higher rates of material hardship than white families, including those at middle- and upper-income levels. Social isolation emerges as the primary challenge for white families, while the challenge to meet basic needs persist for Black families.³ Pervasive and systemic racism adds an additional toll.

IECMH Services in New Jersey

A key barrier influencing the mental health crisis is access to services, particularly for families with low incomes. Often, families in general are unaware that they can even access mental health services for their young child. And if they do, finding a mental health provider can be time consuming and difficult, especially for parents who are stressed and have many other responsibilities. Additionally,there are not many mental health providers that provide services to very young children, leaving parents with little to no options.

Another complication to receiving mental and behavioral health treatment or services for those receiving benefits under NJ FamilyCare, New Jersey's publicly funded health insurance program which includes Medicaid, is that there must first be a diagnosis. This can prevent families from accessing services until the need is significant. Requiring a diagnosis to receive services can be stigmatizing and deter many from even seeking treatment. At a time when many families and children are experiencing mental health needs, New Jersey should be making it easier - not harder - for families to access services as early on as possible.

Promising Solutions

IECMH advocates in New Jersey have proposed a solution to create a preventative behavioral health benefit under NJ FamilyCare for children. This benefit would allow individual or family therapy for children without requiring a formal behavioral health diagnosis, reducing the stigma of receiving mental health services. As data has shown, there are many risk factors that can impact mental health, from food and housing insecurity, to other family stressors. By identifying these factors and providing treatment or supportive services as soon as possible, more significant mental and behavioral health concerns can be prevented.

Another option is implementing the HealthySteps program statewide. HealthSteps is an evidence-based model being piloted in New Jersey that uses an integrated pediatric primary care approach to meeting families where they are. This initiative takes advantage of the pediatric office as the universal touchpoint for families (99.3% of New Jersey mothers reported that they took their new infant to their well-baby checkup in 2015). A HealthySteps Specialist, usually a licensed behavioral health provider, is placed in a pediatric office to address family needs and connect families to services and resources. This removes the burden from parents to navigate an often complicated mental and behavioral health system. However, the HealthySteps program is currently only available in three communities in New Jersey. The state should expand the HealthySteps program so that more families are able to benefit.

Time to Make Infant Mental Health a State Priority 

Families and caregivers need easily accessible support to promote the health and well-being of their children. The pandemic increased the amount of stress and anxiety beyond what already accompanies parenthood. The negative impact parents’ stress has on a child’s healthy development must be addressed in addition to the challenges of accessing services. IECMH needs went unmet for young children even prior to the pandemic. And as we emerge, the impact these past two years have had on mental health will not just disappear. New Jersey must strive to make access to infant mental and behavioral health services a priority.

It’s Good for Business! Employers’ Role in Strengthening Child Care

Posted on May 16, 2022


 Posted 5/16/2022

Cynthia Rice,
Senior Policy Analyst

By Cynthia Rice, Esq.
ACNJ Senior Policy Analyst

Alexis Bailey-NJBIA-Dir-Govt-affairs-2

Alexis Bailey
Director of Government Affairs
New Business and Industry Association

NJBIA logo

The most important key to any successful business is its workforce. Regardless of size, companies thrive when they effectively engage and retain qualified staff.  A stable workforce can help a business maintain a steady level of performance, particularly at a time when the working world is constantly changing. Achieving such workforce stability has become harder and too often, the problem stems from a lack of child care for employees’ children.

Like so many businesses, child care programs are struggling to find staff -- staff who care for and educate the children of working parents.  While always “essential,” the child care system has been chronically underfunded and underappreciated—and COVID has made things more difficult.

Like other businesses, the ability to offer health benefits and retirement are rare luxuries for child care providers, leading to difficulties competing for workers in the labor market.

Findings from a February 2022 national survey of nearly 5,000 early childhood educators by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) showed that two-thirds of respondents experienced a staffing shortage that impacted their ability to serve families, resulting in fewer children being served. More than one-third indicated they had longer waiting lists and were unable to re-open classrooms, all because of a lack of staff.

The result? Working parents, particularly mothers, often find it extremely difficult to find the care they need for their children so that they can remain in the workforce.

While advocates at the federal and state level are working to ensure that some of these issues are addressed, the pandemic has made it clear that child care is the “workforce behind the workforce” and businesses have a stake in supporting a stronger child care system that better meets the needs of working families.

Why Should Businesses Care about Child Care?

As a vital work force support, child care is not just a family concern but a core economic priority for workers and their employers:

  • There is a direct link between access to quality child care, the strength of businesses and the overall economy. A study conducted by Ready Nation reported that parents spent an average of two hours less per week on work due to child care challenges, which amounts to $12.7 billion lost annually to employers across the U.S.
  • Our state and nation’s economic recovery depends on affordable, accessible child care for the workforce, more than half of whom are women
  • Unless employers can bring back or retain their women talent, future recruitment efforts, as well as future economic success, will be compromised
  • Supporting the needs of employees is a way to attract and maintain a stable workforce, especially now that hiring staff is difficult in many sectors

What Can Businesses Do to Support Child Care?

Few businesses have the financial band-with to support the costs associated with building and maintaining on-site child care centers. That does not mean, however, that businesses can not support the child care needs of their existing or future employees.

Businesses can reimagine their benefits packages to include child care offerings and supports. Business policies that provide flexibility and support for working parents will be key in attracting employees and supporting the child care needs of existing employees:

  • Review employee manuals. Are there opportunities for increased flexibility for working days/hours? Are hybrid or remote work options that can be offered?
  • Work collaboratively with Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (CCR&Rs). These county-run programs provide supports and services to parents and child care providers in their catchment areas free of charge. They can also help businesses connect with local center-based and registered programs and registered family homes that provide education and care. Simply providing information to employees on how they can connect with their local CCR&R can help ease the difficulties in fulfilling their child care.  More information on CCR&Rs can be found here.
  • Include child care tuition assistance or reimbursements as part of the employee benefits package to help make child care more affordable.
  • Reimburse parent employees for all or a portion of their child care costs.
  • Collaborate with local child care programs to give employees priority space for their children, a tuition discount or to provide back-up care.
  • Encourage policymakers to support federal and state investments in child care. With permission, share personal anecdotes about the struggles of employees to meet their child care needs and how it impacts your business.

Like families, businesses are key stakeholders in ensuring increased investments in child care. When workers have access to high-quality, stable, affordable child care, their employers reap the benefits of reduced absenteeism and productivity loss, and employees will likely stay longer. The economy benefits when businesses thrive because parents can work, and the child care industry is supported.  A well-supported child care system will help prepare children for success in school and beyond and, when it is their time, to enter the workforce.

In short, regardless of size, there are many ways businesses can play an active role in supporting their employees’ needs and the child care industry. 

Sign up. Help support affordable quality child care in New Jersey.

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BREAKING NEWS: Child Care Subsidy Payments Based on Enrollment to Continue until August 2022

Posted on May 9, 2022

On May 9, 2022, the New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS) announced that it will continue to provide child care subsidy payments based on enrollment and not attendance until the end of August.

The current payment practice replaced the previous payment policy based on attendance at the beginning of the pandemic to ensure a more stable funding stream to child care businesses. The enrollment-based payment policy was scheduled to end on June 30th.

Payments based on enrollment has been described by many child care providers as the most important COVID-related policy that helped them stay in business.

This news is encouraging for child care providers and parents alike. Sign up for our #ReimagineChildCare campaign to be kept informed of new information as it becomes available.

What #ADayWithoutChildCare Means for New Jersey Parents

Posted on May 6, 2022

Hear firsthand stories from parents on the challenges of #ADayWithoutChildCare.
A provider describes what #ADayWithoutChildcare means for her center and for parents looking for care but can't find it.

Support Senator Majority Leader Teresa Ruiz's comprehensive package of bills that would help parents, strengthen programs and support staff. This is an investment we cannot afford not to make.

Be a CHANGEMAKER on #ADayWithoutChildCare

Posted on May 6, 2022

Tell policymakers it's time to invest in child care.

Child care providers and families from across the country have been fighting for generations for equitable access to affordable child care and better pay and working conditions for providers.

Yet child care providers continue to struggle without the funding they need to care for our youngest learners and parents continue to have problems finding and affording child care for their children.  The child care system is in crisis and we need BOLD action now.

Let's send a message to  politicians that our country does not work for even one “day without child care.”

Children, families and communities can’t afford to wait any longer. Will you be a changemaker for child care?

Email your legislators and share these video of what #ADayWithoutChildCare means for parents. 

Let's send the message home!

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After you have sent your email to your legislators, help us make some noise on social media by commenting on the posts below and tagging your legislators.
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