What’s New?

#NJVotes4Kids update

Posted on October 10, 2017

ACNJ’s #NJVotes4Kids campaign is in full swing! Most recently, we highlighted several key topics: juvenile justice, child protection and child nutrition. Help spread the message!

ACNJ calls for increased transparency more funding to protect littlest victims

Posted on October 10, 2017

A few weeks ago, NJ Advance Media reported the heartbreaking story of Jojo, an infant who suffocated in his sleep while sharing a bed with four other family members. This case raises the question of transparency and accountability by the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (CP&P), the agency charged with protecting children from abuse or neglect. Learn more.
The findings from this story have now prompted gubernatorial candidates Kim Guadagno and Phil Murphy to consider reversing a Christie-era measure that  limits the public disclosure of details in child death or near death cases. ACNJ strongly objected to this rule four years ago.
Show your support for New Jersey’s littlest victims. Send tweets to the gubernatorial candidates, telling them that transparency and adequate funding are key in ensuring the safety and well-being of our most vulnerable children.

The state is moving forward with a plan to end federal oversight of its child welfare system. Since 2004, the Department of Children and Families has made progress in reforming its child welfare system, but more work is needed and funding is key. Tweet the gubernatorial candidates today!

•Download and share infographic:

ACNJ out in the community

Posted on October 10, 2017

In September, several staff members participated in events across the state, highlighting the state of children in local communities in Newark and Mercer County.

Believe in a Healthy Newark

On September 28th, ACNJ staff participated in the Newark Culture of Health Conference, which brought together hundreds of community leaders, educators, health experts and practitioners to discuss the impact of social and neighborhood effects on community health. ACNJ serves on the Steering Committee for the Believe in a Healthy Newark initiative, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, to promote a culture of health in Newark. President and CEO Cecilia Zalkind sat on a panel with John Mooney, CEO of New Jersey Spotlight on how to data drives public awareness, while Policy Counsel Peter Chen discussed the importance of investing in lead poisoning prevention.


Princeton Area Community Foundation


On September 26th, Kids Count Coordinator Alana Vega presented findings from the 2017 Kids Count county data on the well-being of children in Mercer County for the Council of New Jersey Grant Makers.




Held at the Princeton Area Community Foundation, ACNJ President and CEO Cecilia Zalkind provided policy implications and context for the data. The discussion covered topics such as infant and child health, child care, school breakfast and chronic absenteeism.

Download Mercer County Kids Count data powerpoint

How well is NJ protecting babies from abuse and neglect?

Posted on August 31, 2017

In 2012, Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) published a brief, The Littlest Victims: Protecting Babies from Abuse and Neglect, which examined policy and practice for young children under the care of the state child protection system. ACNJ’s latest update, Protecting Infants and Toddlers: A Five-Year Review, finds that much has changed.

Read the findings.