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ACNJ Census Webinar: What You Need to Know

Posted on March 13, 2020

On Friday, March 13th, ACNJ Kids Count Coordinator Alana Vega educated webinar participants about the 2020 Census – what an accurate count means for the State of New Jersey, the consequences of an undercount, and how advocates can help ensure that everyone in the Garden State is counted.

Do you hear the rumble? Get ready for Strolling Thunder NJ 2020

Posted on March 11, 2020

Be a voice for your community...

For the past two years, ACNJ has teamed up with child care providers, families and advocates to bring babies and family from across the state to the State House in Trenton to push for change.

But this year, Strolling Thunder New Jersey is going to be a little different.

We are getting ready to make our way back to Trenton to remind legislators to Think Babies! This year, ACNJ is recruiting one family with a baby under 3 from each of our 40 legislative districts to voice their experiences to state representatives regarding child care, home visitation, paid family leave and social-emotional development and attend Strolling Thunder 2020 on June 11th.

No experience necessary. Training will be provided. Families will be compensated for their time and travel. 

Read more about this exciting opportunity. Applications are due by Friday, March 27th, so apply today!

If you have any questions,  contact Patricia Canning at pcanning@acnj.org.

We are Pushing for Change!

Families with a child 0-3 are invited to join us at the State House in Trenton to represent their legislative district in June. Submit an interest form today!

Find your legislative district. 

Find you legislative district

South Jersey Kids Count Forum- #DontForgetTheBaby in the 2020 Census

Posted on February 28, 2020


ACNJ Staff with Guest Speaker Senator Stephen M. Sweeney

Thank you to all the advocates who came out on February 28th to Adelphia Restaurant in Deptford to take a deep dive into the New Jersey Kids Count County Pocket Guide, released last year, and to learn more about the 2020 Census. Did you know that Census data inform most of our ACNJ reports? You can help us spread the word and help ensure a complete count by visiting our Census 2020 NJ page.

Click here to download the presentation.
View photos of the event.

Good News for Kids in Governor Murphy’s Budget Address

Posted on February 25, 2020

This afternoon, Governor Murphy gave his third state budget address, outlining his $40.9 billion budget plan and his continued vision towards a “stronger and fairer” New Jersey.

The Governor’s proposed budget again reflects his continued commitment to young children, with additional funds earmarked for new and existing state-funded preschool programs.

Highlights of this and other proposed investments outlined in the Governor’s speech include:

  • An $83 million increase to maintain and expand access to preschool, expanding this educational opportunity to an additional 3,000 3- and 4-year-olds; $25 million of that amount will be used to assist approximately 30 additional districts that are ready to launch new programs
  • $336 million increase in K-12 formula aid funding
  • $50 million in stabilization aid to school districts adversely affected by state funding cuts
  • $80 million for lead remediation to replace water service lines and modernize infrastructure
  • Increasing the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) to 40 percent of the federal program and expanding EITC age eligibility from 25 to 21
  • Continuing the First Lady's campaign to eliminate racial infant and maternal mortality disparities in New Jersey
  • Investing in youth in New Jersey's juvenile justice system: $30 million in implementation funds for Earn Your Way Out and Hepatitis C treatment, as well as new funds for transitional housing and job training
  • Investing at least $45 million in the Children’s System of Care to rebalance out-of-home and in-community service rates to better serve children with emotional and behavioral health care needs

This is the first phase of our state’s budget process and many details currently remain unknown. There is still plenty of advocacy work to be done and ACNJ will provide additional budget information as it is made available.

Website compiling Census resources in one place

Posted on February 7, 2020

Census partners and organizations have been sharing valuable information to their advocates and the public in preparation for the Census questionnaires to be mailed, letting them know about the importance of the 2020 Census and how an undercount would impact their community.

One organization, Census Counts, a collaborative campaign involving more than 15 national organizations and dozens of community partners in more than 30 states, has compiled a listing of resources in an easy-to-use format. Users can select information from a variety of states depending on their needs, allowing them to more effectively reach their target audiences.

Visit the website to find more ways to reach people in hard-to-count populations and help ensure that everyone is counted in the 2020 Census.