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Resources and Recordings: Understanding and Applying for Child Care Stabilization Grants

Posted on February 28, 2022

View the Recording:

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Infant and Toddler
Child Care Providers:
Fill Out Our Brief Survey
During the Month of April and Be Entered
for a Chance to Win $500!

Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) is conducting a survey to learn more about the availability of center-based infant-toddler child care in NJ. The findings will help advocates and policymakers better understand the issues and challenges of providing this type of child care and identify potential supports that could assist centers in serving this population. With the help of data and stories from providers like you, ACNJ has been able to successfully advocate for increased investments in child care.

The survey is to be filled out by licensed center directors and should take approximately 8 minutes to complete. Please complete the survey during the month of APril by clicking here. If you are the director of multiple centers, please complete one survey per center. All respondents will be entered into a raffle to win one of ten cash prizes of $500.00.

Tools and Resources

Join Us For the Release of 2022 Newark Kids Count

Posted on February 24, 2022

Newark Kids Count 2022 Release happening today March 22, 2022. Login begins at 9:15 am. If you registered used the link that was sent to you via zoom. If you have not registered, fill out he form below.

Join us on Tuesday, March 22nd, 9:30 AM for the virtual release of our 2022 Newark Kids Count report. We will take a dive into the data surrounding children in the largest city in New Jersey.


We also have the pleasure to announce that we will be joined by Senator M. Teresa Ruiz (D29), who has been a strong advocate for the wellbeing of children in New Jersey. Following a brief presentation by Health Policy Analyst and Youth Engagement Coordinator Alana Vega, we will welcome a panel of Newark parents and other stakeholders to discuss what this information means for them, including a live Q&A session.

Understanding and Applying for Child Care Stabilization Grants

Posted on February 7, 2022

Center-Based and Family Child Care Providers:

Are you planning on applying for a child care stabilization grant? Get technical assistance to better understand the grant and how to apply.

Sign up for one of two webinars:

TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 6:30 - 8:00PM (Spanish simultaneous translation available. Habrá traductor en español.)

Click here to join tonight's webinar.

TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 6:30 - 8:00PM

(A recording of this webinar will be available in Spanish. If you are interested in attending this webinar in Spanish, please indicate that on the registration form or contact Cynthia Rice at crice@acnj.org or 973-643-3876.)

This webinar is provided by ACNJ, with funding from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Child Care Aware of America and the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC).

Questions? Contact Cynthia Rice at crice@acnj.org or 973-643-3876.

Filing deadline extended for Due Process petition for compensation of special education services

Posted on January 25, 2022

Governor Murphy signed S905/A1281 into law directing school districts must have an IEP meeting with every student by no later than December 31, 2022 to discuss the need for compensatory education for the period from March 18, 2020 through September 1, 2021. Parents have until September 1, 2023 to file for Due Process.

This complaint, known as a Due Process Petition, should be filed with the New Jersey Department of Education. A child may be entitled to compensatory education as a result of the mandated school closures.

Compensatory education are education services public school districts may have to provide to students to make up for the services that should have been provided. Examples of when compensatory education could be necessary include:

  • the student was not provided with a working computer in March 2020 or did not have access to classes or school work due to internet issues,
  • the student could not learn through remote instruction due to the student’s disability,
  • the student needed a one-on-one aide but one was not provided by the school,
  • the student did not receive the school-based therapies they were entitled to,
  • other IEP services were not provided or not provided appropriately,
  • the student required bilingual education services but they were not provided, or
  • the student experienced a long delay in receiving child study team evaluations and services through an appropriate IEP.

For information on how to file a due process complaint and for assistance, contact Nina Peckman, Staff Attorney at npeckman@acnj.org or 973-643-3876, ext. 226