What’s New?

Showing Up Matters

Posted on September 30, 2016

By Adrienne Hill, Peter Chen, and Cynthia Rice

A new school year often represents a fresh start for learning. But in the Garden State, far too many students will not reach their full potential due to excessive absences. 

Kids who miss two or more days during the first month of school are more likely to have poor attendance throughout the year. That’s why September is the ideal time for districts to identify students at risk, intervene early, and take proactive measures to help them get back on track. By coming up with practical and sensible strategies, schools can see a measurable difference.

More than one in 10 New Jersey students were chronically absent during the 2014-15 school year – roughly 136,000 kids in total, according to a new report released Wednesday by Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ). That means they missed 10 percent of the school year, or about 18 days of instruction, including excused and unexcused absences.

Plain and simple, when kids don’t show up for class, they don’t learn. And these absences correlate with poor performance at every grade level.

ACNJ’s report, “Showing Up Matters: The State of Chronic Absenteeism in New Jersey,” highlights efforts across the state where school officials are making student attendance a priority. Hedgepeth/Williams Middle School for the Arts in Trenton is just one example.

In the fall of 2015, the school leadership team was shocked to find out that nearly a quarter of the middle-schoolers were already chronically absent. This set off a red flag and staff came together to develop a strategy. 

According to data collected from the New Jersey Department of Education, groups that are at higher risk for absenteeism include children of color, children from low-income families and children in special education. Hedgepeth/Williams has high rates in all three categories.

Here’s what the school did:

First, the leadership team took deliberate steps to make Hedgepeth/Williams the school where kids wanted to be. With a welcoming environment and emphasis on making every day count, the school’s motto became “Be present, be punctual, be prepared and be promoted.” Students began to have more input in the everyday events at the school and incentives were given to kids with good or improved attendance.

Second, an attendance team was created to monitor students’ attendance and develop interventions. Some interventions included identifying and connecting with individual staff members who became their mentors. The team also sent letters to parents and “We Miss You” postcards to chronically absent students.

Third, officials set the stage for accountability. Students with excessive absences would now have consequences, including the possibility of repeating a grade. At the same time, staff worked to help reduce the underlying issues that often impact attendance. For example, Hedgepeth/Williams offered online English classes to parents who in the past had taken their children out of school to translate at doctors’ appointments or meetings.

During one month, Hedgepeth/Williams’ absenteeism rate fell to just seven percent down from 22 percent. The work at the school is far from over, but these steps demonstrate that progress is possible.

In honor of Attendance Awareness Month, we encourage school districts to take a closer look at their attendance numbers to see how many students are missing 10 percent or more of school days and who they are. The key step is not only letting families know about the critical role they play in getting children to school on time every day, but also understanding and taking steps to reduce those barriers.
Join us in our effort to make every day count.

Adrienne Hill is principal of the Hedgepeth/Williams Middle School for the Arts. Peter Chen is a Skadden Fellow and Cynthia Rice is a senior policy analyst at Advocates for Children of New Jersey.

Showing Up Matters: How does your school district stack up?

Posted on September 22, 2016

2016_09_22_chronic_absenteeism_email_picClick here to find out if your school district is on the “high-absenteeism” list.

In honor of Attendance Awareness Month, we encourage school districts, community members, and parents to recognize the important of making every day count.

Many districts accross the state are working hard to help reverse this trend.  View a video on how a Trenton middle school tackled chronic absenteeism.

Read the report and see what districts have “high-absenteeism” rates by county.

View pictures of the report release event.

Read in the news: These are the factors behind chronic absenteeism in New Jersey, NJTV

Recent release of U.S. Census data shows some good news for NJ

Posted on September 16, 2016

For the second year in a row, the number of New Jersey children living in poverty decreased according to new U.S. Census data released yesterday.

In 2015, roughly 308,000 of children lived in poverty, a 2 percent decrease from the 2014 figure of 315,000. Children living in low-income families, or those below 200 percent of the federal poverty level, decreased as well from 641,000 to 633,000. In 2015 the federal poverty level was defined as $24,250 for a family of four.

Income inequality for the state as a whole rose—indicating an increasing gap between the state’s neediest and most affluent residents. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, income inequality is the gap between the lowest and the highest earners.

The new data also indicated that New Jersey has the nation’s highest percentage of 18 to 34 year olds living in their parents’ households at 46.9 percent. Connecticut and New York had the second and third highest percentage of young adults residing with their parents at 41.6 percent and 40.6 percent. All three states were well above the national average of 34.1 percent.

The census data from the American Community Survey also indicated a drop in the number of uninsured children living in New Jersey, consistent with trends over the last few years. Currently there are roughly 75,000 children in the state living without health insurance, this translates to 3.8 percent of New Jersey’s children. Children living in low-income families also saw their numbers of uninsured shrink as well, dropping from 51,000 in 2014 to 45,000 in 2015.

See related stories:

NJ tops the nation in the number of millennials living with their parents.

Obamacare helping push N.J.’s uninsured rate to all-time low, data shows


ACNJ staff leaders and a new addition

Posted on September 7, 2016

Lead New Jersey “30 Leaders for 30 Years”


Lead New Jersey is honoring 30 influential women and men who have showcased their leadership to us and our state throughout LNJ’s 30-year history. Congrats Ceil!

Check out other leaders that made the list.


New ACNJ emerging leaders!

2016_09_07_Carla_Ross_picCarla Ross, Operations Manager at ACNJ, has been accepted into the Victoria Foundation Emerging Leaders Program.  This 12 month leadership training is focused on increasing the number of highly effective nonprofit leaders, who have the practical knowledge and critical thinking skills needed to lead their organizations and better serve their communities.

Read more about the program.


Peter Chen, a staff attorney at ACNJ, will be participating in the first year of Collaborative Action Newark (CAN), a new initiative of the Institute for Ethical Leadership at Rutgers Business School. CAN seeks to expand the capacity for civic collaboration in Newark through values-based leadership development, peer support, and action.  Over a two-year period, participants will attend monthly sessions that will enable them to develop skills and learn best practices for working across sectors to solve civic problems.


Welcome new Leontine Young Fellow Jaime Kaiser

ACNJ is pleased to welcome our 2016 Leontine Young Fellow, Jaime Kaiser. Jaime, a second year Management and Policy student at Rutgers Graduate School of Social Work, will be working primarily with the ACNJ Early Learning Team with a focus on infant and toddler issues. She holds a B.A. in Family and Child Studies from Montclair State University.

Leontine Young, a founder of Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ), believed that children needed an independent voice to ensure their best interests, a mission that has guided ACNJ’s work. Prior to her death in 1988, Dr. Young established a scholarship fund to help support students seeking their M.S.W. degree.