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Join Think Babies and Act! Day of Action.

Posted on June 21, 2018

Join ZERO TO THREE and partners across the country TODAY to tell Senators to Think Babies and Act!™ when funding programs for babies and families.

The Senate is making big decisions on the budget next week that will have a major impact on whether babies and families receive the resources and supports they need to thrive. When the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education marks up their FY19 Appropriations bill during the week of June 25, we want them to ensure that American families and babies have access to quality child care, early intervention services, nutritious foods, and other critical supports that help babies get off to a strong start.

Be a Big Voice for Little Kids™ and join us today. Here’s how you can take action:
1. Tell your Senators to #ThinkBabiesAndAct on Twitter. Use their Tell Congress Tool to easily send them a message.

2. Not on Twitter? Click here to send an email to your Senators asking them to #ThinkBabiesAndAct when making budget decisions.

3. Promote the Think Babies and Act! Day of Action. Join ACNJ on social media, share our posts and encourage your networks to participate.   Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

ACNJ Opposes the Separation of Children from their Parents at the Border

Posted on June 20, 2018


Cecilia Zalkind, president and CEO of Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ), released the following statement on the federal administration’s policy of separating migrant children from their families at the U.S. Border:

“One of the hallmarks of Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) is its strong commitment to the belief that every child has the right to the stability of a permanent family of his or her own. That commitment is what brought me to ACNJ. After several years working in the state foster care system, I knew all too well about the damage that separation can do to children, even when it is necessary.

“That is why I have watched in horror at the forced separation of more than 2,000 children from their parents at the nation’s southern border. The images and stories coming from the detention facilities are heartbreaking. This policy hurts children irreparably. ACNJ strongly opposes the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice’s policy and practice of removing children from their parents, and urges the Departments to immediately end this policy.

“In our child welfare work, ACNJ has long supported a policy of keeping families intact as long as a child’s safety can be protected. Federal and state laws recognize the traumatic impact that separation has on a child and mandate efforts to keep families together, whenever possible. If a child must be removed from the home for safety reasons, the state must first make every effort to find other family members to care for the child. Once placed in foster care, efforts must be made to reunify the child and parents as soon as possible. Visits and other contact with the child are required. This wholesale removal of children from their parents is counter to the long-held federal and state policy of keeping children and families together.

“There is considerable research about the significant harm of separating children from their parents and family. Even when necessary, it is an inherently traumatic event, causing long-term damage. The importance of a child’s close relationship with a caregiver cannot be overestimated. Through relationships with important attachment figures, children learn to trust others, regulate their emotions, and interact with the world.

“Forcing children apart from their parents, after an already arduous journey from their homelands in order to seek refuge from violence, can impact brain development, increase the risk of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and can cause serious medical and health consequences for these children and families. The stress is compounded by the child not knowing when they will see the parent again, or the prospect of the parent facing deportation, leaving the child behind in the U.S.

“Although many of these forced family separations are happening in Texas, it is an issue for New Jersey, too. The immigration detention facility in Elizabeth also houses parents who have been separated from their children while the parent awaits immigration proceedings.
“As a mother and grandmother, I understand what we all innately know – that a child needs their parents and family. No matter where they live, children should not be a bargaining chip. Their protection must be a priority for all of us.

“New Jersey’s congressional representatives must send a strong message to this administration that the cruel policy of family separation cannot continue. In New Jersey, politicians from both parties have routinely recognized the importance of preserving families and protecting children. ACNJ calls on them to stand up for kids by denouncing this policy and urging the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice to immediately reverse it.”


Advocates for Children of New Jersey is a statewide, non-profit child research and action organization, committed to giving every child the chance to grow up safe, healthy and educated.


BIG WINS for New Jersey students!

Posted on May 31, 2018

BIG WINS: Governor Murphy signs school meals and chronic absenteeism bills into law!

Great news for New Jersey’s students! Last night, Governor Murphy signed into law a group of bills that will assist students in maximizing their educational potential. Once again, ACNJ’s advocacy efforts have paid off for kids!

The school meals law will require New Jersey’s high-poverty schools to serve breakfast to students during the school day, rather than before school begins. The law is expected to significantly boost student participation in the federal School Breakfast Program and bring millions more in federal dollars back to New Jersey to feed hungry students. Another new law in this package will help more children receive meals over the summer when school is not in session.

The chronic absenteeism law will help schools improve attendance by requiring all schools to keep track of chronically absent students and for schools with high absenteeism to develop action plans on how they will improve attendance.

ACNJ thanks all those individuals and groups that supported the bills, including the bills’ sponsors and the Governor. Without the overwhelming support of our partners, this would not have happened. Special thanks to the Trenton, Paterson, Pemberton, Newark, Plainfield and Long Branch School Districts—to name a few—that have been the models for showing that every day matters! With your help, we are helping more kids receive the education and healthy meals they need to succeed.

What a day for babies! Strolling Thunder New Jersey was a HUGE success.

Posted on May 24, 2018

On May 21st, over 100 babies with their families along with many advocates joined ACNJ in Trenton for a stroll in front of the State House Annex to tell Governor Murphy and the Legislature that we want them to make babies a higher state priority! Parents, clergy, advocates and lawmakers spoke about what babies need to grow and thrive such as affordable quality child care, more generous paid family leave and healthcare services.

This is just the beginning of more to come. The rally is part of a campaign that will continue to remind our lawmakers to #ThinkBabies when making decisions.  Read news release.

Thanks to the many families, partners and volunteers who helped make this day a success!

View photos of the rally for babies at the Statehouse.

Check out the great video coverage:

NJTV featured great sound bites from Children’s Futures, CITE (Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators), Assemblywoman Yvonne Lopez and of course ACNJ’s Cecilia Zalkind! View video.

NJ.com captured the stroll of babies and families to the governor’s office with ACNJ’s Peter Chen and Cynthia Rice leading the chants. View video.

Stay tuned for more.

Learn more about Strolling Thunder New Jersey and the Think Babies campaign.

Peter Chen testifies on Family Leave Amendments before the NJ Senate Labor Committee

Posted on May 11, 2018

Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) provided the following testimony in support of S2528, which would expand and improve New Jersey’s family leave insurance (FLI) program and benefits; S1838, which allows for early application for family leave and temporarily disability leave and S342, which requires the Department of Labor to collect more data on who uses these programs.

Read the testimony.

Read about family leave in the news:

Democrats seek to double njs paid family leave benefits, NJ 101.5

Bill would expand nj paid family leave program, WBGO

Paid family leave bill would mean more time more money for workers, NJ Spotlight