Search for: education law

Make a Gift

With your donation we are able to: elevate early childhood care and education issues at the state and federal level; ensure the State fulfills it’s commitment to the health and safety of all New Jersey’s children; through our KidLaw Resource Center provide parent’s resources to ensure they are able to navigate the education system so students […]

Training Videos | Child Welfare

These short videos cover topics related to child welfare. You can learn at your leisure because you can start and stop the video as needed. And they can be watched over and over again. After watching a video, please give us your feedback by completing a short survey here. This “On Demand” Training Video Project […]

Social Media Toolkit

Social media is an exciting way to create a buzz around specific issues and to let your elected officials and other decision-makers know what you think about investing in children. Following are some tips for connecting with decision-makers and spreading the word, using Facebook and Twitter, and sample posts about early education. Facebook Facebook users […]

Preschool Advocacy

Despite a state mandate to provide high-quality preschool to low-income children across the state, New Jersey has yet to fund this critical early education. What can you do? Plenty! And it doesn’t have to take a lot of time. Your state lawmakers, the governor and our representatives in Congress need to hear that their constituents […]