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Social Platforms that Help Us Stay Connected

Posted on April 13, 2020

Social distancing does not mean self isolation! Below is a list of platforms available to stay in touch with other family members and neighbors. The power of the internet makes this possible to do in more ways than ever before, including different social media platforms and even video conferences to see friends and family across the state. Even a simple phone call to talk through a problem may help divert a tragedy. Staying connected can help strengthen family ties, divert stress and promote healthy mental outcomes.

  • Facetime - Video Calling
    o Get it on: Apple Products from the Apple App Store
    o Cost: Free
    o What sets it apart: This is a video calling app that can only be downloaded from the Apple App store for video calling other Apple products
  • Snapchat - Video Calling, Text Messaging, Video Messaging
    o Get it on: Android and Apple mobile devices.
    o Cost: Free
    o What sets it apart: This is a video messaging app that allows all messages and
    conversations to not be saved.
  • Whatsapp - Video Calling, Text Messaging
    o Get it on: Computers, and Android and Apple mobile devices.
    o Cost: Free
    o What sets it apart: Whatsapp is an internationally used messaging app that is
    widely popular globally.
  • Skype - Video Calling, Text Messaging
    o Get it on: Computers, web browsers, and Android and Apple mobile devices.
    o Cost: Free
    o What sets it apart: Skype is a widely known video calling platform that uses
    Microsoft's AI technology for features such as live translations.
  • Hangouts - Text Messaging, Video Calling
    o Get it on: Web browsers, and Android and Apple mobile devices.
    o Cost: Free
    o What sets it apart: Google Hangouts is a robust communication platform on the web.
  • Duo - Video Calling
    o Get it on: Android and Apple mobile devices
    o Cost: Free
    o What sets is apart: This is the Google analog to Apple Facetime. But can be used on Android phones and Iphones.
  • Signal / Telegram - Encrypted Text Messaging
    o Get it on: Android and Apple mobile devices
    o Cost: Free
    o What sets it apart: Both Signal and Telegram are messaging applications that use end to end encryption.
  • Facebook Messenger - Video Calling, Text Messaging
    o Get it on: Computers, web browsers, and Android and Apple mobile devices
    o Cost: Free
    o What sets it apart: This is a communication service tied to Facebook's social network.
  • Microsoft Teams - Video Calling, Text Messaging, Community Management, Productivity
    o Get it on: Computers, web browsers, and Android and Apple mobile devices.
    o Cost: Free
    o What sets it apart: Teams is Microsoft's chat productivity application. It allows for collaborating and staying in contact with multiple people within the team.
  • Discord - Video Calling, Text Messaging, Community Management
    o Get it on: Computers, and Android and Apple mobile devices
    o Cost: Free
    o What sets it apart: Discord is a robust community management tool. Create servers or rooms for different interests or teams to communicate and keep in touch.
  • FreeConference / FreeConferenceCall / FreeConferenceCalling - Conference Calling Service that is Free
    o Get it on: Create the account online using an email address and use the service with a phone.
    o Cost: Free
    o What sets it apart: Each of the listed above are not typos. Each is an individual company that provides conference calling for free.
  • Google Voice - Cloud Based Phone Number
    o Get it on: Computers, and Android and Apple mobile devices
    o Cost: Free if used to make calls within the United States. Calls to other countries have a cost per minute.
    o What sets it apart: Google Voice is a cost effective way to have a phone number and make phone calls so long as you have access to the internet.
  • GotoMeeting
    o Get it on: Computers, and Android and Apple mobile devices
    o Cost: Free for two weeks.
    o What sets it apart: Video conference calling for many people
  • Marco Polo
    o Get it on: iphone and ipad
    o Cost: free
    o What sets it apart: it’s like "video walkie talkie," a video chat app that lets you send quick messages back and forth.

Audible makes free audio books available to kids

Posted on April 3, 2020

For as long as schools are closed, Audible says it's open. They are offering Kids everywhere instant stream to an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids.

All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet.

Get ready to enter a new adventure today! Explore their library now.

Child Care Providers and COVID-19: Paying the Bills and Helping Staff Pay Theirs

Posted on March 30, 2020

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During the last two weeks, ACNJ has received many emails and calls regarding a variety of issues and questions related to COVID-19 and its impact on New Jersey’s child care community. We have pulled together some resources to help provide a better understanding of the supports available for child care, now and in the future. In the meantime, the information below includes an update on the third federal stimulus package as well as some state resources on unemployment and small business assistance. ACNJ will share any additional information received from our state and national partners as it becomes available.

Last Friday, President Trump signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the CARES Act), a $2 trillion stimulus package, that provides relief to child care, unemployment and small businesses. Below are the relevant highlights, as reported by the National Women’s Law Center.

Child Care

$3.5 billion in emergency funding for the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) will be available through September 30, 2021. States can use this funding to address critical child care needs. The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) has estimated, that of the $3.5 billion in emergency CCDBG funding, New Jersey is estimated to receive $61,184,833, which can be used for:

  • Providing continued payments and assistance to child care providers in the case of decreased enrollment or closures related to the novel coronavirus, and to ensure they are able to remain open or reopen as appropriate;
  • Providing child care assistance, without regard to income, to health care sector employees, emergency responders, sanitation workers and other workers deemed essential during the response to the novel coronavirus; and
  • Providing funding to child care providers who were not participating in subsidy prior to the public health emergency for the purposes of cleaning and sanitation and other activities necessary to maintain or resume the operation of programs.

$750 million for Head Start

Unemployment Insurance (UI)

$250 billion in temporary enhancements to the UI system through 2020, including:

  • A $600 increase in the weekly UI checks of unemployed workers;
  • Special disaster relief program, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), that expands UI coverage to self-employed workers, gig workers and independent contractors; and
  • A temporary 13-week extension of UI benefits. This would be added to New Jersey’s existing 26 week UI benefits.

For more information read, Bipartisan Policy Center and the Committee on Economic Development One-Page Document on Unemployment Compensation and COVID19. 

Recovery Rebates

The legislation provides for direct payments to individuals called “recovery rebates”.

Taxpayers earning $75,000 and below will receive a $1,200 check. Married couples making $150,000 and below will receive $2,400. Individuals and couples under this earnings cap would also receive $500 per child who is 16 years or younger.

 U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) loans/grants

$10 billion for SBA emergency grants to small businesses, including non-profits. Businesses with fewer than 500 employees could be eligible for up to $10 million in forgivable small business loans. For-profit small businesses, non-profit organizations, sole proprietors, independent contractors and self-employed individuals are all eligible. The loan period will extend from February 15, 2020 to June 30, 2020. Loans can be used for specific purposes, including wages, paid sick leave, family leave or health insurance benefits, mortgages, rent and utilities.  For more information, read The Bipartisan Policy Center and Committee for Economic Development summary

If You Are a Child Care Owner

The New Jersey Economic Development Authority’s (NJEDA) Small Business Emergency Assistance Grant: This money is for small and medium sized businesses and non-profits aimed at helping them support and maintain their employees during this period. The grants are up to $5,000 for businesses with 1-10 full-time employees.

NJEDA’s Small Business Emergency Assistance Guarantee Program: A $10 million pilot program that makes loans from Premier Lending bank to small businesses and non-profits that have been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. The program provides a 50 percent guarantee, not to exceed a total NJEDA exposure of $100,000 to Premier Lenders that will issue working capital loans or lines of credit to support business continuity for a range of COVID-19-related impacts to businesses (reduced revenue, employee shortage, supply chain impact, etc.)

If You Are a Child Care Employee

Department Of Labor’s (DOL) Chart for COVID-19 Benefits. This easy-to-follow chart outlines COVID-19 related scenarios and benefits for specific employee situations.

DOL Benefits and the COVID-19: What Employees Should Know. Find a treasure trove of information on eligibility for:

If you have any questions, please contact needincomesupport@njcitizenaction.org.