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Legislative Hearing Informs Lawmakers of Child Care Industry’s Unprecedented Struggle Amidst Economic Recovery

Posted on June 26, 2020

On June 25, 2020, Assemblywoman Gabriela Mosquera, chair of the Women and Children Committee, held a committee hearing, inviting parents, advocates and child care business owners to share the impact that COVID-19 has had on child care. As New Jersey proceeds through this pandemic, it's essential that we have a child care system in place for children and families. Child care is the workforce behind the workforce.

ACNJ would like to thank the incredible group of child care advocates who testified yesterday on why saving child care is critically important to children, working families and our economy.

President Issues Executive Order to Strengthen Child Welfare System

Posted on June 25, 2020

On June 24, President Donald Trump issued an executive order in order to strengthen the federal child welfare system. This order, effective immediately, seeks to reduce the need for foster care and the time spent in it, while facilitating achievement of permanency through reunification, adoption or guardianship. 

Currently, there are over 400,000 children in foster care nationwide, and many of those children have been waiting to be adopted. Additionally, 20,000 children age out of foster care every year without finding a permanent home. Per the executive order, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will be responsible for “improving partnerships, improving resources and improving oversight.” 

To help ensure that children in foster care, HHS has been directed to:

  • collect data on the demographics of children in foster care and foster families, foster parent retention and certification time, the number of foster homes needed to serve children, and the time it takes across the states to complete certification for foster care and adoption. 
  • provide guidelines on state agency partnerships with local public, private, faith-based, and community organizations. In addition to publishing data that can be used to aid services, HHS will hold states accountable, “to the extent consistent with applicable law,” for using organizations to help recruit and support foster parents. 
    • The Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) predicts these partnerships will be useful for nonprofits struggling to stay afloat amid the pandemic and recession.
  • develop a plan to ensure kinship guardians and youth aging out of foster care can access the services available to them. This includes the urging of states to use federal funding for kinship guardianship agreements.
  • issue guidance on the flexible use of Title IV-E entitlements for quality legal representation of parents and children, as well as legal support staff. 
  • use “all existing technical assistance” to promote the National Training and Development Curriculum. Additionally, it must increase availability of trauma-informed training by making it free and web-based.
  • require that IV-E reviews and Child and Family Services reviews adequately address things like reasonable efforts in preventing removal and establishing permanency and timeliness of Termination of Parental Rights filing.
  • collect the standards used across the states for risk assessments and, within 18 months, issue best practice standards.
  • conduct a study on the implementation of the 1994 Multiethnic Placement Act (MEPA), which bars discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in placement. HHS must then issue guidance on implementation and the rights of parents, prospective parents, and children with disabilities.

By following these steps, the federal government hopes to help our most vulnerable children succeed.

Helpful Resources:

The Executive Order: “Strengthening the Child Welfare System for America’s Children”

Statement from the Children’s Bureau

Child Welfare League of America statement on the Executive Order

The Chronicle of Social Change, “What’s Actually in the Trump Executive Order on Child Welfare”

Unlocking Potential: Our Ambitious Roadmap to Close Inequities for NJ Babies

Posted on June 24, 2020

In order to give all children a strong and equitable start in life, New Jersey must begin with an intentional focus on eliminating racial inequities and disparities in access to essential supports, according to a new report, Unlocking Potential, released today by Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ).

Read Unlocking Potential, A Roadmap to Making New Jersey the Safest, Healthiest and Most Supportive Place to Give Birth and Raise a Family

The statewide plan, funded by the Pritzker Children's Initiative (PCI), provides the action steps needed to achieve concrete targets related to early childhood development with the goal of ensuring an additional 25 percent of low-income infants and toddlers - 27,000 young children - will have access to high-quality services by 2023. These supports include access to quality child care, home visiting, health and mental health services.

Unlocking Potential is based on the belief that we all have a role to play in achieving equity and that supporting equal opportunities at the start of a child’s life is the first step in eliminating disparities that impact outcomes for babies, families and communities. The foundation for change is in place; the opportunity is now!


Emphasizing the Importance of Family Visits for Children Living in Foster Care

Posted on June 23, 2020

Legal Intern Sarah Schneider

The importance of frequent, ongoing contact between children living in foster care and their parents and siblings cannot be overstated. Quality visits increase the likelihood of parent engagement and a successful reunification. Acknowledging this, the NJ Children in Court Improvement Committee created a visitation bench card with the applicable law and questions to ask at every hearing to ensure that frequent and appropriate visits occur between children living in foster care and their families. You can find a short video explaining the bench card here. In February 2020, the federal Children’s Bureau, an office of the federal Administration for Children & Families, issued an information memorandum, which outlined research, best practices and recommendations for quality family time.

COVID-19 has dramatically changed how families interact, since most visits are now occurring remotely. However, the pandemic cannot limit these important interactions if our goal is reunification. On March 27, 2020, Jerry Millner, Acting Director of the Children’s Bureau, wrote a letter to child welfare leaders stating that courts should not issue blanket orders reducing or suspending family time during COVID-19 and should hold child welfare agencies “accountable for ensuring that meaningful frequent family time continue.” While this task may be daunting, it is possible. And as New Jersey begins to reopen, there should be more opportunities to arrange for in-person family time in parks, backyards and other public spaces. All stakeholders need to think creatively and not accept the status quo as good enough.

The New Jersey Department of Children and Families (DCF) guidance concerning family visits indicated that parent-child and sibling visitation is “important now more than ever to reassure children that their parents and/or siblings are safe, and to maintain and strengthen family bonds and positive attachment during an otherwise uncertain time.” The guidance includes a list of age-appropriate activities to help parents and children connect through the screen, and some questions to ask when considering in-person visits. The information shared by DCF, as well as guidance from other organizations including the Children’s Bureau visitation resources can be shared with parents and resource parents. We all need to help parents and children make the most of remote visits while we work to arrange more in-person family time. See ACNJ fact sheet for more tips.

Updated as of July 13, 2020 - The New Jersey Department of Children and Families (DCF) has released new guidance regarding in-person family visitation. Read more here.

The Workforce Behind the Workforce: Child Care Workers and the Need to Address Their Compensation

Posted on June 22, 2020


By Cynthia Rice, Senior Policy Analyst, ACNJ and Meghan Tavormina, President, NJAEYC Co-Chairs, Think Babies Child Care Workgroup

It was no surprise when Governor Murphy deemed child care an “essential service” as part of his stay-at-home executive order in March. Parents working in hospitals, nursing homes, food and drug stores and gas stations could not have gone to work without a safe place for their children to be cared for and educated.

And the child care community rose to the occasion.

While public schools were required to close, approximately 500 of New Jersey’s 4,200 child care programs remained open to educate and care for children whose parents were needed to provide for our neighbors. These programs’ teachers and aides came to work every day, providing nurturing and caring experiences under new stringent standards that included social distancing, wearing face masks, frequent hand washing, cleaning and temperature checks. These increased standards—and increased work—was all meant to keep children and staff safe and healthy.

For many child care staff, however, one thing that didn’t change was their salaries. Even during a pandemic, when child care was deemed an essential service and staff were responsible for caring for young children, their wages continued to be low.

Many child care workers make less than cashiers and other entry-level jobs. In fact, most early childhood educators earn so little, they qualify for public benefits, including programs they work for because those programs target low-income families. And according to New Jersey’s 2018 Early Childhood Workforce Index, the median wage for a child care worker was $11.51, with 51 percent of these workers being eligible to participate in one or more public income support programs. Cynthia Soete, President of the Coalition for Infant Toddler Educators (CITE) shares the constant challenge of this reality. “Finding qualified staff has always been hard because of what we pay our early childhood care workforce. It will now be even harder because their responsibilities will increase in order for us to meet the new safety standards. We are asking so much from them professionally, for so little compensation.

The problem of child care’s continued low staff salaries became glaringly evident in recent months when child care directors reached out to their staffs to discuss reopening. Many directors got “pushback” from their staff because they were making significantly more money on unemployment than they would if they returned to work.

Some directors are finding that their staffs are also hesitant to return to work because of safety reasons. They fear that they are putting their own health and the health of their families at risk because they will be working with a population in which enforcing social distancing is an uphill battle.

Young children are not wired to stay six feet apart. They want to play together and hug each other and our staff, and that makes social distancing very difficult,” said Stephanie Anderson, Director, West Essex YMCA Peanut Shell Early Childhood Learning Center in Livingston.

Finding new jobs offering the same or often higher salaries with a lower risk of infection is far more enticing to child care staff, particularly since many programs do not offer health insurance and private-paid insurance is often out-of-reach to these low-wage employees.

“We find ourselves competing with Walmart and Target, and often, we cannot,” said Winifred Smith, Senior Director, Zadie’s Early Childhood Centers in Summit and East Orange.

One of the biggest lessons from this pandemic experience is that we all need child care. It was essential to support employee families who were on the front-line of the emergency and remains essential as our state reopens the economy. We have learned that child care is “the workforce behind the workforce,” and parents cannot return to their jobs if their child care options have been drastically reduced. But that means that a stable, qualified workforce needs to be in place. That can only happen when the compensation of child care staff moves towards matching the “essential” role they play in the health and development of the children they care for and educate every day.

As highlighted in the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC), Power to the Profession, assuming comparable qualifications and experiences, child care salaries must reflect compensation on par with other educational colleagues, such as kindergarten teachers. This is no easy feat at a time when the economy is struggling as a result of COVID-19’s overall devastation. But we can’t return to a system that was not meeting or addressing the needs of the child care workforce.

Whether it is bigger federal or state investments, new systems or new laws that will provide child care staff with other forms of revenue, like child care tax credits, we need to make workforce compensation a higher priority. Doing so is directly linked with both the success of our children and our economy. We must learn from our experiences and improve the compensation of our child care workforce. Otherwise, staffing problems that became glaring during the last few months will continue to impact the quality and accessibility of the child care infrastructure that remains and will not allow our economy to have a fighting chance in moving towards a “stronger and fairer” New Jersey.