The last Friday in March, this year on March 26th, is Social And Emotional Learning (SEL) Day, providing an excellent opportunity to support integrating evidence-based SEL in our schools, organizations and community.
SEL is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. SEL improves academic outcomes, builds a positive school climate and provides children with the necessary skills to excel in today’s workforce.
Much like physical development, we need to foster social and emotional health by ensuring a full spectrum of services, from prevention to intervention to treatment, is available to address children’s mental health needs. Research demonstrates that early prevention and treatment are more beneficial and cost-effective than attempting to treat emotional difficulties and their effects on learning and health after they become serious.
At the request of the New Jersey Association of School Psychologists (NJASP), Governor Murphy and Lt. Governor Oliver signed a proclamation recognizing the importance of the day and encouraging the community to educate others on SEL.
Sign up for SEL Day on March 26 to help showcase, promote, advocate for and support SEL in your school and community. Share on social media with the hashtag #SELday and help spread the word about what SEL is and why it’s so critical!
For more information about social and emotional learning visit and