Posted on March 18, 2022
What’s New?
Gov. Murphy proposed great investments for kids in FY2023 budget, but what about child care?
Posted on March 11, 2022
On Tuesday, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy delivered his sixth state budget address—the first in two years before a full audience at the Statehouse, and outlined his major initiatives for the 2023 budget in order to move New Jersey towards becoming a “stronger, fairer and more affordable” state. Read budget in brief.
While the centerpiece of the Governor’s $48.93 billion proposed budget includes $900 million in property tax relief, his speech also included funding increases to programs that will support children and their families. Highlights of these increases include:
- $68 million for preschool expansion, with $40 million to assist eligible new school districts expand preschool to an additional 3,000 3- and 4-year olds
- $650 million for K-12 funding, bringing the total state education spending to $9.9 billion
- $17.4 million for implementing the universal newborn home visitation program
- $500 thousand for a Nurture NJ public awareness campaign, which will promote the new universal newborn home visitation program
- $15 million for increasing state Medicaid spending for maternity care and higher reimbursement rates for midwives and doulas
- $11 million for Cover All Kids health care program that will support all children having access to health insurance, regardless of immigration status
- $2.1 million to increase case management capacity in Central Intake hubs
Unfortunately, the speech made no mention of how the proposed budget would address the child care crisis, which impacts working families, particularly mothers, who need to return to the workforce and the child care programs themselves, as they continue to struggle to remain open.
As more details emerge, we will provide updates to ensure that children have a voice in this budget process.
Resources and Recordings: Understanding and Applying for Child Care Stabilization Grants
Posted on February 28, 2022
View the Recording:
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seleccione "subtitles" y luego "auto-translate" y finalmente el idioma.
Infant and Toddler
Child Care Providers:
Fill Out Our Brief Survey
During the Month of April and Be Entered
for a Chance to Win $500!
Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) is conducting a survey to learn more about the availability of center-based infant-toddler child care in NJ. The findings will help advocates and policymakers better understand the issues and challenges of providing this type of child care and identify potential supports that could assist centers in serving this population. With the help of data and stories from providers like you, ACNJ has been able to successfully advocate for increased investments in child care.
The survey is to be filled out by licensed center directors and should take approximately 8 minutes to complete. Please complete the survey during the month of APril by clicking here. If you are the director of multiple centers, please complete one survey per center. All respondents will be entered into a raffle to win one of ten cash prizes of $500.00.
Tools and Resources
Join Us For the Release of 2022 Newark Kids Count
Posted on February 24, 2022
Newark Kids Count 2022 Release happening today March 22, 2022. Login begins at 9:15 am. If you registered used the link that was sent to you via zoom. If you have not registered, fill out he form below.
Join us on Tuesday, March 22nd, 9:30 AM for the virtual release of our 2022 Newark Kids Count report. We will take a dive into the data surrounding children in the largest city in New Jersey.

We also have the pleasure to announce that we will be joined by Senator M. Teresa Ruiz (D29), who has been a strong advocate for the wellbeing of children in New Jersey. Following a brief presentation by Health Policy Analyst and Youth Engagement Coordinator Alana Vega, we will welcome a panel of Newark parents and other stakeholders to discuss what this information means for them, including a live Q&A session.
We want to hear from Newark parents with infant/toddlers in child care.
Posted on February 22, 2022

Sign up for one of the following dates in the form below.
Saturday, March 5 at 10:00AM
Tuesday, March 8 at 6:00PM (Spanish Only)
Saturday, March 12 at 10:00AM