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Testimony from Nina Peckman urges “out-of-the-box” thinking, collaboration to address chronic absenteeism

Posted on February 5, 2025

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Chronic absenteeism is a complex problem. We must start with a focus on the individual needs and circumstances of the student to understand why the child is not attending school and to engage the parents in a meaningful way.

TO: Members of the Senate Education Committee

FROM: Nina C. Peckman, Staff Attorney, Advocates for Children of New Jersey

DATE: January 30, 2025

RE: Chronic Absenteeism

Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) appreciates the opportunity to provide testimony regarding the issue of chronic absenteeism in New Jersey schools.

ACNJ is a nonpartisan child advocacy organization that engages members of the public, policy makers, and other stakeholders to advance policies and programs that benefit children. I am the education attorney at Advocates for Children of New Jersey. ACNJ’s Kid Law Center has been in existence since 1996 and has secured the education rights of over 10,000 children. On an annual basis, I provide education advocacy assistance to about 350 poor and low-income parents and their children residing throughout the State of New Jersey as well as to professionals who work with children and families.

Although attendance barriers and chronic absenteeism has always been an issue, since the pandemic, the percentage of my cases with these issues have greatly increased. According to my cases, the common reasons for absences are due to unaddressed chronic health issues including mental health issues such as anxiety or depression, fear of bullying or violence in the school, inability to get to school because of transportation issues and loss of interest due in part to unaddressed academic problems or when the student's social emotional and/or behavioral issues aren't being addressed effectively.

Other factors also seem to be driving the chronic absenteeism problem. First, some districts don’t have enough school staff to support the education and behavioral health needs of students or may not have the requisite experience to identify the reasons for the absences and how best to help the student. Second, many students remain home because parents are not getting the information they need to support their child’s attendance through basic information about attendance laws and what are the school based services available to help their child. Even when parents do know the laws, they don't know how to advocate or appeal school actions or inactions when their child is not going to school because of one of the issues mentioned above. Third, too often, some districts use truancy charges or simply blame parents for the problem and don’t acknowledge the parents’ efforts to help their child, while ignoring all the steps that school staff should have taken as soon as the child first started to miss too many school days.

One thing is clear, the time to address attendance issues effectively is as soon as they become an issue. Both the attendance and intervention and referral regulations require the school to directly engage the parent and child when there are too many unexcused absences which the attendance regulations deem to be up to four unexcused absences. Schools must also have a process to identify and address the attendance issues of students with excessive excused absences for chronic health issues as schools have a responsibility to ensure that those children are receiving an appropriate education. Once a child is chronically absent, it is much more difficult to address the underlying reasons in a way that will help the child stay in school and thrive academically. In my experience of advocating for children who have serious attendance issues, the best approach and the one that leads to the best outcome is when school staff, parents and relevant community providers collaborate in creating a plan to help the student. Schools who simply try to address the issues with a cookie cutter, fill in the box approach are going to have a very difficult time trying to fulfill their responsibilities to educate children in these circumstances. Chronic absenteeism is a complex problem and is very difficult to address. To try to solve this issue, we must start with a focus on the individual needs and circumstances of the child who is missing school to understand why that child is not attending school and to engage the child’s parents in a meaningful way to ensure the child receives an appropriate education.

Here are descriptions of two recent cases involving parents who sought advocacy assistance from ACNJ regarding attendance issues. They illustrate both the impact of school absences and how the relevant laws and policies can be implemented to reduce the chronic absenteeism numbers. A parent contacted us regarding a classified student with severe depression and school phobia due to a history of bullying. The student had been absent for more than 50 school days for each of three consecutive years. The parent sought a therapeutic school placement with home instruction pending placement based upon the medical opinions of the student’s treating physicians. The school district insisted that the student should be able to attend the public school. After ACNJ became involved, we facilitated communications between school staff and several community providers working with the student. We also advocated for additional mental health evaluations. Through several collaborative meetings, the district agreed to place this student in a therapeutic school and make up instructional hours for the student through tutoring.

Another example is a case involving a classified child with cognitive delays and complex health issues including being medically fragile. Because of these disabilities, the student’s only placement option is in the home setting with an in person instructor. The school had been providing home instruction up until a year ago when the parent started to refuse the home instruction because the parent was not seeing any progress. The district responding by filing truancy charges. Prior to contacting ACNJ, the parent did not understand the compulsory education laws and rather than refusing home instruction, that parent could have challenged the education program that the district was providing through special education laws. Once we explained the laws and the parent’s rights, the parent agreed to the home instruction services and we put in motion a process to secure additional services for the student while in the home setting. This resolved the attendance issue.

Thank you for your consideration of this testimony. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to: npeckman@acnj.org.

Child Care Action Alert: Act now to protect our children, families and economy

Posted on February 3, 2025

Federal funding for child care and early education is at risk—and the consequences for children, families, and our economy could be devastating. Without this essential funding, millions of families could lose access to the care they depend on, forcing parents out of work and putting child care providers at risk of closure.

Why This Matters:

🔴 Children suffer - Without stable funding, many child care programs will be forced to close or cut services, leaving children without the quality early learning they need to thrive.

🔴 Families struggle - Without affordable, accessible child care, parents—especially working mothers—will be pushed out of the workforce, threatening their financial stability.

🔴 The economy takes a hit - A collapsing child care system means fewer workers, lost productivity, and economic strain on families, businesses, and communities.

We Must Act NOW!
Congress must prioritize funding for child care—before it’s too late. Your voice can help secure the future of our children and keep families and communities strong.

Send a message to your elected officials NOW. Tell them: No cuts. No freezes. Protect child care funding for our children, families, and economy.

Thank you for speaking up and standing with children, families, and child care providers across the nation.

Guidance for Child Care Providers: Navigating Immigration Policy Changes & Ensuring Family Safety

Posted on January 28, 2025

Recent policy changes and concerns about immigration enforcement have caused fear among many families. It's important for child care centers and family child care homes to be safe and welcoming for all, including undocumented families. As a leader, your role in providing guidance and reassurance is crucial. Lead with calm and confidence to support both staff and families during this uncertain time.

The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) offers a guide to help child care providers create “Safe Space” policies. To start, review your security and privacy policies to ensure they address staff interactions with authorities, protecting private information, and emergency procedures. These policies should comply with laws and be updated to improve safety and data protection, reducing risks with immigration agents and safeguarding sensitive information. 

Your safe space policy can be tailored to your needs, but it should include these key components:

  • Staff Roles and Responsibilities: Define who will interact with immigration agents, notify on-site staff, and contact off-site personnel, such as directors, lawyers, or community partners.
  • Interacting with Immigration Agents: Designated staff must verify agents’ credentials, including a warrant signed by a judge, and request supervisor authorization before granting access. If access is granted, the agent should be accompanied, and all events should be documented. Staff safety is a priority, and physical interference is prohibited.
    • A judicial warrant is a signed order from a judge authorizing immigration agents to enter a facility and should be labeled with "U.S. District Court".
    • The Immigration Defense Project warns ICE may present administrative warrants, which lack a judge's signature and do not meet the legal standards of a judicial warrant. Always ask for a physical warrant to be slid under the door and check it has a court label and a judge's signature.
  • Minimizing Disruption: Efforts should be made to prevent children and parents from encountering immigration agents.
  • Parent Notification: Parents should be informed of any enforcement action, including agent arrival and departure, and reassured about measures to protect their children and personal information


Safe Space Policy for [PROGRAM NAME]

Purpose and Principles
This policy provides protocols for staff to follow in case of immigration enforcement actions at or near [PROGRAM NAME]. These protocols are not intended to interfere with the enforcement of federal immigration laws and are not political in nature. The purpose of [PROGRAM NAME’s] safe space policy is to ensure that our services remain accessible to all families while upholding core constitutional principles of educational equity and access.

Scope of the Policy
References to [PROGRAM NAME] property include [list areas such as classrooms, playgrounds, hallways, offices, and other spaces considered private and belonging to the program]. These areas are designated as protected spaces under this policy.

Commitment to Family Accessibility and Safety
We understand that the presence of federal immigration agents on our property could deter families from bringing their children to [PRESCHOOL/PRE-K/CHILD CARE] or accessing critical services. As early care and education professionals, we are committed to maintaining a safe, reliable, and welcoming environment for every family we serve or who seeks our services.

Staff Roles and Responsibilities

Designated Staff Members:

  • [Name or role, e.g., Director or Assistant Director] will handle communication with immigration agents.
  • [Other roles, e.g., Administrative Assistant] will notify on-site staff and contact off-site personnel, such as legal counsel or immigrant rights organizations, if necessary.

Interaction with Immigration Agents:

  • Designated staff must verify agents’ credentials, including a judicial warrant, supervisor authorization, and purpose of visit.
  • Without proper documentation, agents will not be allowed on the property. If credentials are valid, the agent will be accompanied by staff, and all events will be documented.

Minimizing Disruption:
Staff will make every effort to avoid exposing children and families to immigration agents and minimize disruptions to daily routines.

Parent Notification:
In the event of an enforcement action, parents will be informed promptly of the agent’s arrival and departure, as well as the measures taken to protect children and personal information.

General Security Measures:

  • All doors will remain locked during operating hours, with controlled access for authorized staff and parents.
  • Staff will be trained regularly on privacy protocols and safe space procedures.
  • Private information about families will only be collected as necessary and securely stored, accessible only for programmatic purposes.

Policy Review and Updates:
This policy will be reviewed [annually/bi-annually] and updated as necessary to remain compliant with local, state, and federal regulations.

Stephan’s Story: How positive fatherhood programs can mitigate Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Posted on January 23, 2025

This is video 2 of the Y.E.S. (Youth Expert Stakeholders) video Series. Adverse childhood experiences are traumatic events that occur in childhood and negatively impact a young person’s trajectory. Listen as Stephan discusses his experiences, and how he envisions positive fatherhood programs impacting children's experiences.

Health Spotlight: Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention

Posted on January 10, 2025


By Isaiah Fudge
Positive Youth Development 

For more information on this topic, contact Isaiah at ifudge@acnj.org

In June 2024, U.S.Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy declared gun violence a national public health crisis. This declaration draws attention to two essential points--the need for a holistic approach to address the crisis and to focus on initiatives that effectively combat the issue. New Jersey is rich with one such initiative: community-based violence intervention and prevention (CBVIP) programs. As these programs continue to be more widely recognized as essential health initiatives, there is opportunity for the state to enhance its investments in the organizations leading the grassroots efforts. Additionally, there is opportunity to increase research around the direct positive impacts that CBVIP programs are having on our schools. 

What is Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention?
Community-based violence intervention and prevention (CBVIP) refers to health-based, community-led approaches to safety that prioritize fostering wellness and healing rather than arrest and detention. CBVIP services not only respond to instances of acute violence, but also addresse the root causes, such as trauma, adverse childhood experiences (ACES), and other health-related issues, that lead to violence in communities. The services prioritize those closest to the violence, especially victims, but even perpetrators of violence, providing wrap-around supports to minimize the possibility of retaliation and/or revictimization. Their impact, however, extends beyond individuals to entire communities, including schools, as staff and administrators often leverage relationships with CBVIP professionals to de-escalate and prevent violence in and around the school building. Specifically, this work positively impacts areas such as chronic absenteeism and school discipline. 

CBVIP professionals in Newark, for example, contract with schools to provide assistance to students to and from school. While not solely due to CBVIP efforts, the 2022-23 NJ School performance report shows impressive decreases in Newark Public Schools’ chronic absenteeism rates, from 28.1% in 2021-22 to 12.7% in 2022-23, well below the state average of 16.6%. The report also shows a decline in police notifications, from 51 in 2021-22 to 23 in 2022-23, and it also highlights a reduction in out-of-school suspensions, which fell from 730 in 2021-22 to 602 in 2022-23. By adopting a de-facto full-service community schools approach, schools like those in Newark engage CBVIP professionals to mitigate behavioral issues and threats surrounding the school, resulting in improved attendance and decreased police notifications. 

Moreover, CBVIP services complement local law enforcement, often acting as a conduit to police and the community. Youth in underserved communities tend to avoid police rather than collaborate with them, especially because of the historical trend trend of over-criminalizing Black and Brown youth. Grassroots CBVIP work, however, bridges police with these communities by helping law enforcement understand the needs of the community, supplementing law enforcement for non-threatening issues, and helping the community hold law-enforcement accountable.

Some Elements of Violence Intervention and Prevention

      • Street OutreachThe Annie E. Casey Foundation recently highlighted the importance of outreach on preventing youth harm. Also known by other names including high-risk intervention and violence interruption, this work deploys credible professionals, many of whom have lived-experience within the communities they are working in. They have a strong understanding of the local risk factors–neighborhood politics, pulse of the community, etc–impacting mental health and causing violence. The professionals conducting this part of CBVIP work are intentional about building rapport with the people closest to the violence to mitigate those local risk factors. Outreach professionals also have a strong awareness of global risk factors and how they impact the health of people, and leverage that understanding in their approach. ACNJ's County Pocket Guide 2024 reported an estimated 13% of NJ's children were in poverty and 5% of teens were not in school nor working. In their 2024 Kids Count Data book, Annie E. Casey Foundation also reported that 24% of NJ's children have parents who lack stable employment and 35% live in households that have a high housing cost burden. Outreach professionals connect people to wrap-around supports such as housing and legal resources, workforce training opportunities, and mentoring and academic services to thwart some of these risk factors.  
      • Hospital-based Violence Intervention Program (HVIP): This program provides wrap-around support to victims of severe violence while still in the hospital’s care (some organizations work with survivors as young as 5 years old). Hospital staff work in partnership with violence intervention and prevention (VIP) professionals, making referrals to VIP workers on behalf of violence survivors. From there, a plan is crafted alongside the victim, and case management is provided to ensure a pathway to holistic healing. In their guide to implementing HVIP programming, Everytown for Gun Safety highlights the impact HVIP has on decreasing potential re-victimization. A study of a San Francisco-based HVIP showed that HVIP participants had a 50% lower reinjury rate from those who did not participate. Additionally, evidence suggests that HVIP supports increased engagement in, and more likely utilization of, community health services for youth ages 10-24, potentially leading to improved physical and mental wellness outcomes. There’s also evidence suggesting that HVIP work leads to reductions of justice involvement.
      • Trauma Recovery Services: In urban communities many survivors of violence have distrust in the mainstream responses to their harm. Piggybacking on the work of HVIP, trauma recovery services provide safe spaces for youth survivors of violence of all sorts. Mental health services; linkages to legal resources; and referrals for housing are all only a portion of the services survivors can access when engaging with trauma recovery units. All services are provided confidentially and free of charge.This work is often conducted by licensed clinical CBVIP workers, but also by credible professionals who have lived through similar violent situations. 
      • Community Education: Many CBVIP organizations seek to empower youth and the local community through education. Youth and community members are educated on a variety of topics, ranging from financial literacy and economics, to generational trauma and the importance of self-care. The idea behind educating the community is to address root causes of violence such as trauma, ACES, and  low socio-economic status. CBVIP recognizes the power of information, and acknowledges that educating the people they serve can have a preventive impact on violence in their communities.

The Current Status of CBVIP Work in NJ
Through the Department of Law and Public Safety, New Jersey Office of the Attorney General (OAG), competitive funding for CBVIP work has been consistent. According to a September 2024 announcement by the OAG, almost $115 million in funding has been allocated to this work since 2021. The OAG has supported the work in other ways too. In 2022, the OAG established the Division of Violence Intervention and Victim Assistance (VIVA) to bridge victims’ services with VIP work, and provide centralized support to the organizations conducting the work. In 2024, the OAG established the Office of Alternative and Community Responses (OACR) to assist law enforcement with connectivity to community safety leaders.  

However, because of the competitive nature of the OAG grants, and because of other funding-related issues reported by them, many grassroots CBVIP organizations are seeing their sustainability threatened. And, if this work decreases, or even disappears, youth and their families would lose an important initiative that positively impacts their health. With that, prioritizing funding organizations with fidelity to the model might be best, given their ability to robustly address youth and families’ health needs, and given the limited availability of funds. Understanding the extent of CBVIP’s holistic impact would also create pathways to sustainability. Therefore, it is also important to study the model’s impact on local youth institutions, specifically on schools, and how CBVIP reduces chronic absenteeism and over-discipline in them. 

Some Violence Intervention and Prevention Organizations in NJ:     

Anti-Violence Coalition of Hudson County
Capital Health System
Center for Family Services
Hackensack Meridian Health
The H.U.B.B. Arts and Trauma Center
Newark Community Street Team
Paterson Healing Collective
Reimaging Justice, Inc. 
RWJ Barnabas Health, Jersey City Medical Center
Salvation and Social Justice
Trenton Community Street Team @ Isles Inc.
Youth Advocate Programs, Inc