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Did you know reports of bias-based incidents in N.J. schools have increased by 400% since 2018?

Posted on April 29, 2024


By Olivia Carrara Leontine Young Fellow

For more information on this topic, contact ACNJ's staff attorney, Nina Peckman, Esq., at npeckman@acnj.org.

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Since 2013, the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Task Force has been collecting and reporting data on the prevalence of harassment, intimidation, and bullying (HIB) in N.J. schools. The newest report, released at the end of 2023, has revealed that N.J. HIB levels are higher than they have ever been since N.J. started collecting data. The data showed that during the 2021-2022 school year, 7,672 HIB incidents were confirmed while a total of 19,138 investigations were reported. 

The rates of bullying in N.J. schools are trending upward, with most rapid increases in bias-based incidents. Since 2018, reports of such incidents have quadrupled in N.J. schools, according to the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General (N.J. OAG). These reports include incidents of hate speech, harmful rhetoric, and other bias-related forms of HIB. The N.J. OAG also found that reports of bias-based incidents in elementary and secondary schools increased by 116% between 2020 and 2021. This drastic increase is likely attributed to the return to school following remote learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, but still reveals alarming rates of bias-related incidents. Over the last few years, the US Departments of Education and Justice have had to issue reminders to schools on their obligation to address incidents targeting Muslim, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI), Jewish, LGBTQ+, and immigrant students. This confirms an increased risk for these populations–a risk which is often exacerbated by national and global events. According to ADL, anti-semitic incidents in non-Jewish K-12 schools have increased by 49% between 2021 and 2022 in the U.S. The Covid-19 pandemic, another global event, led to an increase in hate crimes targeted towards the AAPI community, with STOP AAPI HATE reporting that over 8 out of 10 Asian American youth experienced bullying or verbal harassment in 2020. As per the Trevor Project, in 2020, 52% of LGBTQ+ youth enrolled in US middle and high schools reported being bullied–something that likely stems from an increase in anti-transgender rhetoric and legislation.

Per the 2023 State Report, the drastic increase in HIB cases may be the result of a number of factors, one of them being unhealthy school cultures. Children thrive more and HIB decreases when school cultures are welcoming and safe for students of all races, ethnicities, sexual and gender identities, and disabilities. The lack of a welcoming presence is therefore thought to contribute to increased bullying and unsafe environments for students. The Covid-19 pandemic may have also played a role in increased HIB reports, as reports have shown the pandemic had numerous negative effects on the mental health and wellness of many children. Another potential contributor to this drastic rise in HIB incidents is the increase in hate crimes and speech throughout the country. Transphobia, Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and other discriminatory mindsets have increased nationally within the last few years, likely contributing to hateful and harmful rhetoric within schools. 

The 2023 State Report concludes with a series of recommendations spanning from broadening the language surrounding bullying to mandating training for all coaches and extra-curricular school-based staff/volunteers. To prevent bullying, student suicide, and unsafe school environments, the recommendations presented by the Task Force should be evaluated and implemented as needed. 

ACNJ is proud to have a KidLaw Resource Center focused on providing free legal support to kids who experience bullying or face other educational issues. To learn more, please view this presentation on HIB by ACNJ’s staff attorney, Nina Peckman, Esq.

ACNJ and U.S. Rep Gottheimer Host Roundtable to Discuss Child Care Funding as Federal COVID-Relief Runs Out

Posted on April 26, 2024

Federal dollars through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) Stabilization Grants kept child care centers from closing, but the temporary aid, which expired in September 2023, was a short-term fix to a long-standing problem and robust funding is needed to create a sustainable child care infrastructure, according to advocates at a roundtable hosted by Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) and U.S. Congressman Gottheimer (NJ-5)

Held at the Little Learners Child Development Center in Hackensack, the event highlighted New Jersey's and our nation's fractured child care system. Many providers struggle to sustain high-quality early childhood education while also paying child care workers competitive wages and keeping tuition affordable for parents. And once providers run out of the COVID-Relief funds they will be faced with decisions that will impact the child care workforce, parents and ultimately the economy.

Recent survey findings of more than 100 NJ child care providers revealed that the federal child care stabilization aid not only allowed centers to remain open, but 89% of respondents also said they were able to apply the aid towards personnel costs and increased staff wages.

"Now, four years later, we are still trying to bounce back from COVID: maxing to our facility's capacity, hiring not only credible but dedicated staff, and recuperating the income loss. We greatly appreciate [the COVID-relief aid] given to our center, but it can't stop there, we still need more help," said Dawn Cleveland, Owner and Director at Little Learners Child Development Center. "Being a high quality child care center within New Jersey is far from easy, with the weight of trying to compete with our center's tuition prices, the cost of supplies, and the biggest struggle: staffing our classrooms."

"It's time to move beyond addressing the COVID‐related emergencies in child care and truly develop solutions addressing wage compensation and a sustainable early childhood system. Without the ARP federal dollars, it is estimated that about 1,300 programs in New Jersey will close, impacting 104,000 children and 6,800 teachers. The economic impact translates to about $378 million in lost earnings for parents, a $453 million decrease in employer productivity, and $18 million less in state income tax," said Shadaya Bennett, ACNJ senior legislative analyst.

“Given how important child care is to our children, families, and communities, you’d think that we’d be flush with daycares and nurseries. But, the reason why we’re all here today is that child care in Jersey is actually hard-to-come-by these days – and it’s incredibly expensive,” Gottheimer said. “I’m excited to convene today’s roundtable with child care providers and advocates to discuss the challenges facing Jersey’s child care system and share more about my work in Congress to make childcare more affordable, especially the urgent need to pass bipartisan legislation expanding the Child Tax Credit. It passed the House overwhelmingly and now it’s waiting for a vote in the Senate.”

“ACNJ thanks Congressman Gottheimer for highlighting the need for investment in New Jersey’s child care system. To strengthen and sustain the child care infrastructure, targeted funding is needed to ensure families have access to high-quality options in a system with a skilled workforce dedicated to nurturing our youngest residents."

In response to the looming child care funding shortfall, ACNJ's #NJVotes4Kids budget campaign is calling for state lawmakers to prioritize public investments in early childhood in the upcoming FY2025 budget. To learn more, visit ACNJ.org


Petition to invest in New Jersey’s child care infrastructure

Posted on April 25, 2024

It’s budget season in Trenton. Lawmakers are deciding how to spend public funds for the state’s resources, programs, and services! Add your name to the growing list of parents, caregivers, and advocates urging the state legislature to make strong investments in New Jersey’s child care infrastructure.

By simply providing your name and address, we'll send a postcard to your legislators on your behalf. We will send you a confirmation when it is sent.

Invest in nj child care infrastructure

Petition to invest in New Jersey’s child care infrastructure-

Posted on April 15, 2024

It’s budget season in Trenton. Lawmakers are deciding how to spend public funds for the state’s resources, programs, and services! Add your name to the growing list of parents, caregivers, and advocates urging the state legislature to make strong investments in New Jersey’s child care infrastructure.

By simply providing your name and address, we'll send a postcard to your legislators on your behalf. We will send you a confirmation when it is sent.

Invest in nj child care infrastructure