What’s New?

Celebrate National School Breakfast Week

Posted on March 3, 2015

Mar. 2- 6

This years theme “Make the Grade with School Breakfast” helps highlight the importance of a nutritious breakfast to help students achieve success in the classroom and beyond. The School Nutrition Association has tools and resources to help you with your celebration.

Learn more about the Food for Thought  NJ School breakfast campaign and its efforts to expand school breakfast after the bell across the state.

NJ Child Care Efforts Advance

Posted on February 5, 2015

ACNJ recently learned that two of our key recommendations on the child care front are moving forward. The New Jersey Department of Children and Families recently hired 16 additional inspectors to ensure the health, safety and quality of care for children across the state. In our December 2013 report, Meeting the Child Care Challenge, we noted that New Jersey was nearly last in the nation for oversight of child care centers and that inspectors had heavy caseloads that may prevent them from conducting thorough inspections. We commend DCF for addressing this important issue.

In addition, the department now has a searchable online directory of child care providers, giving parents a central place to get basic information, including center location, size and the ages of children served. This information had previously been available only in pdf format.

View the new directory here.

State officials say they are still working on posting inspection reports and violations online in a user-friendly format for parents. We’ll keep you posted of their progress.

News: Pre-K Our Way kicks off

Posted on January 27, 2015

With tens of thousands of New Jersey children still lacking access to high-quality preschool, a new campaign has launched to change that. Pre-K Our Way is a nonpartisan, community effort aimed at bringing quality preschool to children in towns throughout New Jersey. Advocates for Children of New Jersey is proud to be part of this effort. ACNJ has long championed preschool expansion as mandated in New Jersey’s 2008 school funding law.

Learn more about Pre-K Our Way

Learn about ACNJ’s efforts to build a strong early learning system in NJ.

Join legislators at a community forum on NJ’s opiate epidemic rescheduled for March 9.

Posted on January 20, 2015

Senator Joseph Vitale and other key legislative leaders are coming together to address the tragic and growing opiate epidemic that is claiming the lives of so many promising youth and young adults.  A package of legislation is moving quickly through the state Legislature. Key sponsors will be on hand to discuss these legislative measures and explore solutions to battle the debilitating disease of addiction in New Jersey.

The Community Forum on New Jersey’s Opiate Epidemic
March 9 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Thomas Edison State College, Prudence Hall
101 W. State Street, Trenton.

Be part of the solution.

Register online today.

This event is sponsored by New Jersey Citizen Action and the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency.