What’s New?

State budget FY 2017 news

Posted on February 17, 2016

Governor Christie unveiled his proposed FY 2017 budget on Tuesday, Feb 16. Details are still sparse and will emerge in the coming weeks. The budget will be debated in the state Legislature over the next few months. The Legislature must adopt a final budget by June 30. Changes could occur during that time. We will keep you updated as more information becomes available.

Click here to learn what we know so far.

Celebrate National School Breakfast Week March 7 -11

Posted on February 26, 2016

National School Breakfast Week
National School Breakfast Week

Lets celebrate on social media! Encourage schools to serve breakfast after the bell. It’s the best way to ensure all students start their school day with the nutrition they need to concentrate and learn.

New Jersey continues to make good progress in serving breakfast to more students, but we still have a long way to go before we can say that all students are fueling up in the morning.

Click below to share our tweets!
It’s #SchoolBreakfast Week! Lots more kids are starting the day w a healthy meal. Learn more @ NJSchoolbreakfast.org #NSBW16 @fractweets

More #schoolbreakfast means better attention in class – why we love #schoolbreakfast. Visit NJSchoolbreakfast.org #NSBW16 @fractweets

High schoolers love #schoolbreakfast too. #NSBW16 @fractweets http://bit.ly/1oKzL1z

DYK NJ is now 23rd in the nation for #schoolbreakfast? Let’s keep the momentum going! Visit @ NJSchoolbreakfast.org #NSBW16 @fractweets

Kudos to Jersey City & Newark Schools for rep’in NJ as a top performer in #schoolbreakfast! http://bit.ly/1VkFlBX #NSBW16 @fractweets

Learn more at www.njschoolbreakfast.org.

NJ Jumps to 23rd Nationally for School Breakfast

Posted on February 16, 2016

The Food Research and Action Center’s (FRAC) released its School Breakfast Scorecard and found that New Jersey’s participation rate jumped 11 percent from the 2013-14 to the 2014-15 school years.

According to FRAC’s School Breakfast – Making it Work in Large School Districts, Jersey City ranked 2nd and Newark was 5th nationwide for their high student participation rates.

Read the release.

Learn about the NJ’s school breakfast campaign.

Tax season is here

Posted on February 5, 2016

Tax return check
Who is eligible for the New Jersey Earned Income Tax Credit (NJ EITC)?

Persons that worked in 2015 with an earned income below the $20,000 filing threshoold for a family or $10,000 for a single person may be eligible to receive an EITC.

An individual that is eligible and files for a Federal Earned Income Tax Credit can also receive the NJ EITC.

Learn more about criteria to apply for EITC.

What is the credit amount for 2015 tax season?

This year, the NJ EITC amount is equal to 30 percent of the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit. Someone receiving a Federal EITC of $4,000 would receive a $1,200 NJ EITC.

Some individuals may qualify for free tax preparation.  Click here to learn more.