What’s New?

How well is NJ protecting babies from abuse and neglect?

Posted on August 31, 2017

In 2012, Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) published a brief, The Littlest Victims: Protecting Babies from Abuse and Neglect, which examined policy and practice for young children under the care of the state child protection system. ACNJ’s latest update, Protecting Infants and Toddlers: A Five-Year Review, finds that much has changed.

Read the findings.

Calling all advocates!

Posted on July 31, 2017

It is an important time for children in New Jersey. This November we will be deciding on our next governor, who will set the agenda for the next four years. Candidates need to know NOW that we stand for children.

This election is taking place against the backdrop of turmoil in Washington. Critical federal programs for children are at risk. NJ is one of two states that will elect a new governor this year. What happens here will have impact on federal policy, too.

Your advocacy is more important than ever.  Join us  and learn what you can do to advocate for kids in this election.

What you can look forward to:

  • Candidates for governor and lieutenant governor have been invited to share their agenda for kids.
  • Bruce Lesley, President of First Focus, which advocates to make kids a priority on the federal level, will discuss the landscape in D.C. and the potential impact on NJ.
  • A panel of political insiders will talk about the challenges and strategies in elevating children’s issues in the election and beyond.
  • You will receive ACNJ’s voter’s guide and other information to help you advocate.

9:00 a.m.

9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Fund to feed kids becomes law (Nourishing Young Minds Initiative Fund)

Posted on July 21, 2017

Today, Governor Chris Christie sign into law a fund that will dedicate state dollars to feed children facing hunger.

Under the bill, S-2819/A-4363 (Sweeney, Ruiz, Lesniak/Taliaferro, Andrzejczak, Lampitt, Mosquera, Holley, Quijano), the Nourishing Young Minds Initiative Fund would defray the costs of effectively implementing the federal school breakfast and summer meals programs in high-poverty communities, helping to increase the number of low-income children receiving these meals. Because towns are reimbursed based on the number of meals served, this would bring more federal dollars into New Jersey communities to feed hungry kids.

Check out the video clip from event introducing this legislation.