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Good News for New Jersey Kids and Families in this Year’s State Budget

Posted on July 2, 2018

Budget negotiations between Governor Murphy and state legislative leaders went down to the wire this weekend,  but there was always plenty of agreement when it came to issues affecting kids and families.

New Jersey’s $36.5 billion FY 2019 budget includes:

  • An increase in direct state aid to public schools, totaling $348 million. Governor Murphy also agreed to significant changes in how New Jersey funds our public schools;
  • An increase in funding to support existing preschools and expand our nationally recognized program to other communities, totaling $83 million, including:
    • $25 million to support additional districts that wish to expand preschool;
    • $25 million of continued funding for the 26 school districts that began expanding preschool in the 2017-18 school year; and
    •  $33 million of additional funds to the 31 former Abbott districts and 4 additional districts that have provided preschool for nearly 10 years;
  • An additional $27.2 million to increase the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) to help low-income families;
  • An inclusion of a child care and dependent tax credit, which will provide families earning less than $60,000 financial help to care for their children or another dependent. The projected benefit identified in the Budget in Brief was $12 million;
  • An additional $250,000 for the Nourishing Young Minds Fund, which will be used by the Department of Agriculture to fund child food and nutrition programs throughout the state;
  • An additional $3.75 million to increase the cash payments of Work First New Jersey families by an additional $10 per month; and
  • An additional $1.1 million to cover the costs of removing the Work First New Jersey “family cap” and increase the level of family assistance resulting from an additional child being born to a family.

Even though the new budget includes plenty of good news, funding to increase access to quality child care for low-income families is again absent from this budget.  This is the 10th state budget with no funding increase for child care subsidies that help low-income families pay for child care for babies, resulting in child care providers not being able to afford to take care of babies and parents struggling to find care for their little ones.

A state budget that reflects the needs of working families must address access to quality child care, so that parents can go to work knowing their children are safe and in nurturing environments. Though there are many positive highlights in this budget, it leaves a critical need for low-income working families unaddressed.

ACNJ will continue to monitor budget updates and will keep you apprised as information becomes available.

Peter Chen and Cynthia Rice author OP-ED on new chronic absenteeism law for NJ Spotlight

Posted on June 28, 2018

Below is ACNJ’s OP-ED on the state’s new chronic absenteeism law, published in  NJ Spotlight on June 15, 2018.

by Peter Chen and Cynthia Rice

Schools that succeed in reducing absenteeism go beyond just complying with state and district rules to encourage and support attendance as a fundamental part of their mission to educate

Cynthia Rice and Peter Chen

(On May 31st) Gov. Phil Murphy took a giant step by signing into law a bill that would make every school day count for New Jersey’s children. Schools with high chronic-absenteeism rates would be required to develop corrective action plans to improve their student attendance. Students are considered “chronically absent” when they miss 10 percent or more of their school days, putting them at risk for academic setbacks.

But these plans, while an important step, are just the beginning. Over the past four years, Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) has travelled throughout the state, presenting on chronic absenteeism data, attendance strategies, and possible solutions. In a recent presentation, one school administrator remarked, “Anyone can develop a ‘plan.’ It’s what’s in the plan that counts.” She was right. Although the new law prompts schools with a chronic-absenteeism rate of 10 percent or more to address their attendance issues, it is up to each school to ensure that those plans are meaningful.

Sadly, high absenteeism is common in schools across New Jersey. According to New Jersey Department of Education data, in the 2016 – 2017 school year, about 10.3 percent of all K-12 students were chronically absent. In fact, more than 700 schools had more than 10 percent of their students missing too much school. Preschoolers, kindergartners, and high school students had significantly higher chronic-absenteeism rates than other ages, impacting their educational success. For young students, those absences can mean missing out on developing strong academic and social-emotional skills. For high schoolers, too many absences can place them at risk of not graduating on time.

Determining why students miss school

Although the negative impact of absences is clear, the reasons why each student might miss school differ. Under this new law, schools will have to determine the root causes of their high rates of absences and develop strategies tailored to the needs of their student population. Rather than focus on disciplinary action, the goal should be addressing the academic consequences of lost instructional time and creating a school culture that encourages attendance.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach that works, but schools that have dramatically curbed their chronic student rates share the following components of a successful attendance strategy.

First, they look at their data early and often, digging beyond the number of absences to find out the reasons for student absence. Some students might miss school because of health-related issues, unreliable transportation, or school and neighborhood safety. Finding out why students are absent must be the first step in any attendance plan. Additionally, looking at data by student demographic group may reveal pockets of high absenteeism in certain populations, such as students of color or students with special needs.

Second, the solutions these schools developed were tailored to address the specific barriers affecting regular attendance. Engaging parents and school staff is critical to understanding the needs of each student. For example, if a parent is not sending their child to school because of asthma flare-ups, the school nurse could assist in referring appropriate services to help the student manage their asthma.

Finally, schools that have succeeded in reducing absenteeism showed intentionality behind their strategies. Rather than merely attempt to comply with state and district rules, they went beyond compliance to encourage and support attendance as a fundamental part of a school’s mission to educate — a mindset shift that required staff commitment and community engagement.

Schools are only part of the equation to improving attendance, but what they do matters immensely. With a clear plan and a concerted effort, schools that are struggling with high absentee rates can make a difference in turning the tide. Students cannot achieve academic success if they are not present to benefit from the learning experience. Gov. Murphy has taken the first step; it is now up to schools to make every school day count.

Cynthia Rice, senior policy analyst, and Peter Chen, policy counsel, of Advocates for Children of New Jersey have led the work to bring attention to the problem of student chronic absenteeism in the state since the release of their first report in 2015, “Showing Up Matters: The State of Chronic Absenteeism in New Jersey.”

BLOG: ACNJ turns 40 this year

Posted on June 26, 2018

Cecilia Zalkind
ACNJ president/CEO

I am proud to say that Advocates for Children of New Jersey turned 40 years old on June 26. As I reflect back on what has been accomplished, it is overwhelming to think about where ACNJ started and the organization that it has become.

Over the next six months, we will be sharing some of ACNJ’s accomplishments. I encourage you to reminisce with us on our work over the past 40 years. We are developing a timeline on our website, highlighting legislation, publications and other activities that helped improve outcomes for New Jersey’s children.  We hope to include pictures of some of you who helped make our efforts successful. If you have stories, pictures 0r videos of ACNJ projects that you were involved in, please share them with us.


Let’s travel down memory lane together.

ACNJ’s roots began in 1847, when the Newark Orphan Asylum was established. Over the years, other child-related organizations were created to protect abused and abandoned children. In 1978, two of those groups – the Citizens’ Committee for Children of New Jersey and Child Service Association – merged to form the Association for Children of New Jersey to become a voice for all New Jersey children in Trenton. In 2010, we changed our name to Advocates for Children of New Jersey to better reflect what we do — advocate to give every child a chance to grow up safe, healthy and educated.

Our initial efforts focused on child welfare and juvenile justice and over the years we added other important policy areas to our agenda, including early learning, health care for children and supports for low-income families. In all our work, ACNJ is recognized for its responsible, thoughtful research and fact-driven publications meant to inform policymakers and the general public about the issues impacting the well-being of children.

I am proud of what our staff and board have accomplished over the past 40 years for the children of New Jersey. But I know that ACNJ’s  success is due in large part to all our supporters and partners that have worked with us. Thank you for all you do to support our efforts on behalf of children. Please join us and add your memories on Facebook. I will be checking in with you over the next few months with stories, fun facts and special accomplishments.

Please share your memories today.               

VP Mary Coogan recognized with Family Unification Day Hero Award

Posted on June 25, 2018

ACNJ VP Mary Coogan received unsung hero award from LSNJ!
ACNJ VP Mary Coogan received an unsung hero award from Legal Services of New Jersey. Congrats, Mary!

On Thursday, June 21st, Vice President Mary Coogan was recognized with the 2018 Family Unification Day Hero Award, at the Legal Services of New Jersey’s (LSNJ) annual Family Unification Day. Her efforts in foster care, kinship care, children’s health and juvenile justice has helped thousands of families. Mary is head of ACNJ’s Kidlaw Legal Resource Center, which provides consultations to more than 500 parents and professionals each year on laws and policies in child protection, special education and family law.

Unification Day is a celebration of families involved in CP&P that were successfully reunified. Families from Camden, Burlington, Hudson, Gloucester, Essex, Middlesex and Passaic counties along with resource parents, social workers, CP&P caseworkers, CASA workers, and attorneys participated in this event.

Nina Peckman to speak about discipline in public charter schools

Posted on June 25, 2018

On Wednesday, June 27th, 6-8pm,  ACNJ staff attorney Nina Peckman, Esq. will be one of the panelists at the program, Discipline in Public Charter Schools, held by The Education and Health Law Clinic at Rutgers Law School.

Other panelists include:

Staff Attorney

• Elizabeth Athos, Esq., Senior Attorney, Education Law Center
• Tyler Brewster, Co-Founder of Peer Connect
• Deanna Christian, Esq., Staff Attorney & Clinical Law Fellow, H.E.A.L. Collaborative, Education & Health Law Clinic, Rutgers Law School
• Esther Canty-Barnes, Director and Clinical Prof. of Law, Education & Health Law Clinic (Moderator)

The panelists will discuss school discipline for children in the general education setting and for children with disabilities; explore disciplinary practices and policies in some charter schools; and encourage parents to advocate for alternative approaches that help build community and keep children in school.

You can find more information about the event here.