Posted on October 28, 2015
Decisions are being made right now that will impact anti-hunger programs, including the Summer Meals Act, which will make it easier for school and cities to feed children in the summer months, when they are not receiving school meals.
Urge your Congressional representative to support this critical act.
The Summer Meals Act is the only bill that improves and specifically invests in out-of-school time meal sites, providing critical support to afterschool and summer providers who run programs that offer both healthy food and enrichment activities. This investment is essential to ensuring that low-income children get the nutrition they need when school is out, and also can access learning and enrichment activities offered at the sites.
Get social with them.
Research shows that 30 or fewer social media posts about the same topic are likely to get the attention of a Member of Congress, but they need to be posted quickly or they may not be seen. We’ve made it really easy. Just click the link below and you can easily share our tweets.
Keep the momentum going! Urge your Member of Congress to co-sponsor the Summer Meals Act.