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NJ Child Care Providers Need Help to Improve Quality of Care

Contact: Nancy Parello, Communications Director, Advocates for Children of New Jersey, (908) 399-6031, As New Jersey embarks on a plan to improve child care quality, child care providers say they operate on shoestring budgets that prevent them from delivering the best possible care to young children, according to a new report released today. In […]

Child Poverty Continues to Grow in NJ

Contact: Nancy Parello, Communications Director, Advocates for Children of New Jersey, 973-643-3876, 908-399-6031, Nearly 646,000 New Jersey children lived in families earning too little to meet their needs in 2012 – a 19 percent increase since 2008, according to new US Census data released today. That means that an additional 102,000 New Jersey children […]

NJ Child Care Providers Need Help to Improve Quality of Care

Contact:  Nancy Parello,(908) 399-6031, As New Jersey embarks on a plan to improve child care quality, child care providers say they operate on shoestring budgets that prevent them from delivering the best possible care to young children, according to a new report released today. In a statewide survey and focus groups conducted by Advocates […]

ACNJ in the News

Latest News December 7, 2020 NYC will open only elementary schools for in-person learning. Should NJ follow its lead? | Burlington County Times  November 15, 2020 Business, Clergy Leaders Call for Immigrant COVID Aid in New Jersey | Insider NJ November 5, 2020 Voters say ‘yes’ to constitutional rewrite that could leave NJ minorities underrepresented […]

ACNJ’s Work

Over the years, ACNJ’s advocacy efforts have resulted in: More children receiving health coverage, improving their chances of growing into healthy adults More children enrolled in quality preschool programs, helping to ensure school success More children receiving a healthy breakfast at school, removing a major barrier to learning More children safe from abuse and neglect […]