Facebook Twitter Linkedin By Olivia Carrara Leontine Young Fellow For more information on this topic, contact ACNJ’s staff attorney, Nina Peckman, Esq., at npeckman@acnj.org. Since 2013, the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Task Force has been collecting and reporting data on the prevalence of harassment, intimidation, and bullying (HIB) in N.J. schools. The newest report, released at […]
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How parents can ensure children with IEP’s get a good start in the new school year
Facebook Twitter Linkedin By Nina Peckman, Esq. ACNJ Staff Attorney Specialized in Education Law The school year has begun and I am already getting calls from parents with concerns about IEP implementation issues or about a lack of progress. Parents should not hesitate to contact their child’s study team (CST) case manager with any […]
Child Protection and Family Law Resources
Child Related Legal Resources The KidLaw Legal Resource Center provides helpful guides and fact sheets related to legal issues in child protection, juvenile justice and guardianship. If you have a question concerning the legal rights of New Jersey’s children in the child protection, court or juvenile justice systems and do not find the answer here, […]
BLOG: Your Child’s Education Rights: Addressing Mental Health Concerns
By Nina Peckman, ACNJ Education Staff Attorney Mental health and wellness have received increased attention over the past few years. Prior to the pandemic, calls from parents regarding behavior issues were typically centered around the school disciplinary responses. Requests for help for a child refusing to attend school or being barred due to mental health […]
Una Guia Basica Para Educacion Especial
La intención de este folleto corto es de servir como guía de referencia para personas que tienen preguntas sobre la educación especial. No es la intención ofrecer consejos ni guía legal. Para una explicación profunda de cualquier aspecto legal del proceso de la educación especial, se le recomienda a los padres o guardianes comunicarse con […]