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Become a Sponsor

Thank You Sponsors Your support helps us work to give every child a chance to grow up safe, healthy and educated. 2021 Sponsorship Opportunities All sponsors will receive recognition in ACNJ 2021 Annual Report, logo representation on breakfast communications and at breakfast events. Select below to see the benefits for each sponsorship level. $10,000 Platinum […]

Early Childhood Legislative Proposals 2016

ACNJ and its many partners have advocated for years for a broader, more comprehensive approach to addressing the needs of young children and their families. A package of bills introduced into the state Legislature in February 2016 reflect those efforts and would significantly advance our goal of building a strong and effective early learning system […]

School Attendance

For children to reach their full learning potential, they have to come to school. Yet tens of thousands of NJ students are “chronically absent,” or missing 10 percent or more of school days. When young children miss too much school, it is often linked with long-term reading problems, lower test scores and weaker social-emotional skills. As students get […]