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Ways to Advocate for the Census From Home

Posted on March 18, 2020

The COVID-19 virus (“Coronavirus”) has altered the way we go about our daily lives, but fortunately, Census questionnaires can be filled out at my2020census.gov, over the phone or by mail. An accurate Census count helps inform and fund many safety net programs that are being utilized during the pandemic. We are experiencing a live example of why an accurate count is so important. Fortunately, we can practice social distancing and self-quarantining while also ensuring an accurate count for the State of New Jersey. It takes just ten minutes to make sure New Jersey gets its fair share of resources for the next decade.

Help us spread the word about the importance of filling out the 2020 Census, all possible from the comforts of your home:

  1. Join Count All Kids Day! Children under age 5 are among the hardest-to-count populations for the Census. March 18th is Count All Kids Day! Make sure you count your children this year, and let others know that they should count their kids too. Share a video or photo of your child using Statistics in Schools material, and use the hashtag #CountAllKids
  2. Share a photo of everyone who was counted in your Census! Fill out your Census, tell your social media friends, and tell them to fill theirs out too. Take a #CensusSelfie of everyone who was counted, and use our Census frame available on Facebook to tell the world that you count. Make sure to use the hashtag #Census2020NJ
  3. Spread the knowledge – share our webinar. ACNJ Kids Count Coordinator and Census Ambassador Alana Vega held a webinar instructing advocates how to spread the word about the Census. Watch the video, and tell others about it. Don’t have the time to watch? View our seven-minute synopsis here.

Pass the Federal Emergency COVID-19 Response

Posted on March 16, 2020

As our country struggles to deal with the impact of the COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) pandemic, Congress must take swift action to ensure families have what they need to care for their young children. The Families First Coronavirus Response (“Families First”) Act, currently waiting for a ruling by the U.S. Senate, will provide families:

  • Increased funding for medical assistance for the duration of the pandemic;
  • Increased funding for Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to fight food insecurities as families lose wages and children lose access to free or reduced-price meals in schools and child care;
  • Emergency paid sick days and paid leave; and
  • Extended federal funding for unemployment compensation.

Read more about this important piece of legislation, and ways that you can help it pass.

ACNJ Census Webinar: What You Need to Know

Posted on March 13, 2020

On Friday, March 13th, ACNJ Kids Count Coordinator Alana Vega educated webinar participants about the 2020 Census – what an accurate count means for the State of New Jersey, the consequences of an undercount, and how advocates can help ensure that everyone in the Garden State is counted.

Do you hear the rumble? Get ready for Strolling Thunder NJ 2020

Posted on March 11, 2020

Be a voice for your community...

For the past two years, ACNJ has teamed up with child care providers, families and advocates to bring babies and family from across the state to the State House in Trenton to push for change.

But this year, Strolling Thunder New Jersey is going to be a little different.

We are getting ready to make our way back to Trenton to remind legislators to Think Babies! This year, ACNJ is recruiting one family with a baby under 3 from each of our 40 legislative districts to voice their experiences to state representatives regarding child care, home visitation, paid family leave and social-emotional development and attend Strolling Thunder 2020 on June 11th.

No experience necessary. Training will be provided. Families will be compensated for their time and travel. 

Read more about this exciting opportunity. Applications are due by Friday, March 27th, so apply today!

If you have any questions,  contact Patricia Canning at pcanning@acnj.org.

We are Pushing for Change!

Families with a child 0-3 are invited to join us at the State House in Trenton to represent their legislative district in June. Submit an interest form today!

Find your legislative district. 

Find you legislative district