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A Call to Support The Jackie Walorski Maternal and Child Home Visiting Act of 2022

Posted on September 28, 2022


Posted 9/28/2022

Faryal Najeeb, Parent Leadership Council Member

By Faryal Najeeb, Parent Leadership Council member

When I found out I was pregnant with my first child, I was relatively new in the US and did not have any friends or family to offer me support or guidance. My husband worked long hours and I felt very alone, which led to severe prenatal depression. My doctor informed me about the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) program, a voluntary home visiting program available in my community, and asked if I would be interested in free support and guidance. I signed up right away! Needless to say, that was a turning point in my life as a mother.

My NFP nurse visited my home once every month and offered me companionship and support. I would read all kinds of things related to pregnancy online and ask her endless questions and she would always happily answer them. She would tell me facts from fiction and give me the right and accurate information. My nurse was there for my baby’s first bath, first solid food, first birthday, and more. At every step, she encouraged and motivated me that what I was doing was great and that I was an awesome mom.

I credit Nurse-Family Partnership for my healthy pregnancy, my positive outlook toward motherhood and the confident upbringing I am providing to my children now. I went from being depressed and not being sure if I even wanted a child, to having a healthy family life and two beautiful girls. But this might not have been possible if I did not have the support of a home visitor. I know women who do not have this opportunity because they do not qualify for a home visiting program for various reasons. I see the difference between my life and theirs. I see the difference in how I raised my newborns. A friend recently gave birth and had serious complications because she did not have postpartum help.

Home visitation programs such as NFP are evidence-based and show that they lead to a healthy mother and child, a safe and stable family, increased school readiness and family economic self-sufficiency, fewer children involved in the child protection and juvenile justice systems and subsequently, a thriving community. Unfortunately, only about 5,000 NJ families actually benefit from home visiting services like NFP each year. Since there are approximately 300,000 infants and toddlers in our state, that means just 2% of families welcoming a new baby into their home receive these services.

That is why it is critical to support The Jackie Walorski Maternal and Child Home Visiting Act of 2022 (HR 8876). Named after the late Congresswoman, a true champion of home visiting who tragically passed away this summer, this legislation reauthorizes the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program for five years and would provide the first-ever increase in funding to the program since its creation over a decade ago. Flat funding of this program has also prevented programs from reaching all the families with infants and toddlers who could benefit from these services and has caused widespread recruitment, retention and compensation issues with the home visiting workforce.

Reauthorization of this legislation is a smart investment in children and families - one that will surely pay off over time. A robust and timely reauthorization of the program by September 30, 2022 is needed so that families like mine can continue to receive these critical resources.

Mom Congress 2022 – Changing “Mortality into Vitality”

Posted on September 28, 2022


Posted 9/28/2022

Faryal Najeeb, Parent Leadership Council Member

By Faryal Najeeb, Parent Leadership Council member

For this year’s Mom Congress in Washington, D.C., approximately 180 women and men from 29 states called for legislators to change “mortality into vitality”.* From September 18th to 20th, delegates gathered to advocate for federal bills to address pivotal issues - the shortage of midwives, maternal mental health, the trauma of stillbirths and discrimination against pregnant women.

The bills demand federal support for:

Emotions were high, determination strong and passions renewed to make a change for mothers from all walks of life. During the three days, women shared stories of personal losses, empowerment and hope. They networked to form stronger coalitions, working to ensure the nation overcomes its obstacles in becoming a leader in maternity and maternal-related programs, services and research.

First Lady of New Jersey Tammy Murphy, Tennessee state Senator London Lamar, Centers for Disease Control Associate Director for Science in the Division of Reproductive Health Shanna Cox, and the author of Pay Up, Reshma Saujani, spoke about the ways their particular areas of expertise promoted maternal well-being, while also listening to the attendees for opportunities to improve.

Everyone said the same thing: there is work to be done for the women living in the US. The statistics are jarring: 84% of pregnancy-related deaths could have been preventable in recent years. Mental health-related conditions was the top reason for pregnant women deaths in most races, exceeding the number of deaths caused by cardiac- and coronary-related conditions and hemorrhage. One in five women suffer from mental health disorders such as postpartum depression and less than 15% receive treatment. Anxiety and depression have risen 37% in teen girls, which will only make matters worse in the future.

The dismal statistics did not end with mental health issues. Approximately 34% of families with young children reported having difficulty finding child care in 2021. Child care costs is estimated to be 17-20% of a family’s 2022 income. The average center-based infant care is estimated to cost $14,740 annually, which in some states is more than state college tuition fees.

The dearth of affordable child care and lack of paid leave (the US is the only developed country in the world with no federal paid family leave program) were also highlighted as obstacles leading to poor family conditions, and consequently, stress and anxiety.

NJ’s First Lady said the state ranked 47th in the nation in terms of maternal health. Statistics show that women of color are seven times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications compared to white women, and Black children are three times more likely to die before their first birthday compared to white children. She admitted statistics proved it was a racial problem. Nevertheless, she also stressed that her program “Nurture NJ” is focused on bringing change. Forty-three pieces of legislations had already been passed to help reduce the maternal mortality rate by 50% in the next five years.

Senator Lamar received several standing ovations during her speech. She asked the delegates to channel their trauma into making a change in the community and to let personal stories fuel the drive towards advocacy and strategies.

Speakers at the various sessions time and again stressed the need to speak up and demand change.

ACNJ staff and Parent Leaders Council members met with their state representatives to bring attention to these issues affecting mothers. The NJ delegates also shared their personal stories to stress on the need for family-friendly state programs: the need to reauthorize the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program, which funds home visiting programs around the country, the importance of affordable child care and the continued support and regulations for paid leave benefits.

*“Mortality into vitality” was a phrase from CEO of Irth Kimberly Allers Seals during her presentation at the opening day soiree.

Lessons learned in engaging and supporting New Jersey’s hard-to-reach child care community

Posted on September 26, 2022

In early 2022, Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) received funding from several national associations to support and engage child care providers who were less likely to apply for the stabilization grant funds, including family child care providers, small child care centers, providers who speak a language other than English and faith‐based programs. The goal was to ensure that all child care providers had equitable access to the stabilization grants, supplementing the outreach and support being provided by New Jersey's Department of Human Services (DHS). ACNJ used a variety of strategies, ranging from informational webinars to one-on-one technical assistance, to reach these providers. The lessons learned from this experience with child care providers were informative, not only in their ability to access the stabilization grants, but to broader issues about how to best support and sustain child care.

Take Action: Urge Congress to support new legislation for home visiting services

Posted on September 23, 2022

The Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program, the primary source of funding for New Jersey’s robust home visiting system, expired on September 30, 2022. While MIECHV has been included in the Continuing Resolution through December, Congress must act now to ensure the program is reauthorized and there is no lapse in funding. Otherwise, more than 5,000 New Jersey families annually stand to lose effective home visiting services that improve children's health, school readiness and economic security.

Advocacy efforts have led to the introduction of The Jackie Walorski Maternal and Child Home Visiting Act of 2022 (HR 8876), named after the late Congresswoman, a champion for home visiting. It reauthorizes the MIECHV Program for five years, providing the first-ever funding increase to the program since its creation over a decade ago. This legislation must pass to ensure families in New Jersey and across the country will continue to receive these critical services. Send a message to your Members of Congress asking them to support/co-sponsor this legislation now. 

Blog: Poverty Alone Does Not Mean Abuse

Posted on September 19, 2022


Posted 9/19/2022

ACNJ Legal Intern Esther Thomas

By Esther Thomas,
ACNJ Legal Intern, Summer '22

Over the past several years, those working on child abuse and neglect cases have raised public awareness concerning the overrepresentation of children of color involved with child protective services. This is not just an issue in New Jersey - it is a topic of national conversation. Looking at data compiled by the New Jersey Department of Children and Families, 84,162 reports of alleged child abuse or neglect were made in 2021, while only 3,008 of those reports came back with substantiated findings. This shows that only 3.57% of the reports made were actual cases of neglect or abuse. As seen by the graph below, out of the substantiated findings in 2021, Black and Hispanic children are represented at a rate 2-3 times higher than other groups. In New Jersey, almost all of these children and youth come from impoverished homes. This raises the question of whether the New Jersey Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP) should be involved with these children, or if further scrutiny is required to avoid unwarranted state involvement. 

New Jersey Child Maltreatment Rate 2014-2021

There could be many reasons for this overrepresentation, one being the result of excessive state supervision and more interaction through state poverty programs in poorer neighborhoods. Families who need to use social welfare programs normally have more supervision or interaction with the state in their day-to-day life. This phenomenon is referred to as the visibility hypothesis, which describes a disproportionate number of underprivileged children to privileged children within the child welfare system because poverty makes children more noticeable to child welfare authorities. Furthermore, there seems to be ignorance and intolerance of the “conditions of social and economic disadvantage in urban neighborhoods [that] leads to overvisibility.” The visibility hypothesis explains how the easily seen attributes of poverty combined with prejudice and lack of sympathy for these situations lead to families who need governmental assistance also being the families child protective services involve themselves with the most.

People who normally report to child services are laypersons who may see a situation and think it is neglect when, in actuality, it is just an incidence of poverty. Evidence shows that laypersons who have a lower socioeconomic background are less likely to report impoverished situations as neglect. This shows a lack of understanding from people of higher socioeconomic backgrounds to the difficulties that are presented in the daily lives of people who live in poverty. This misunderstanding leads to two types of misreporting: (1) underreporting actual instances of neglect, and (2) overreporting or incorrectly claiming neglect. These reports open the door for state involvement in a family’s life, which may lead to direct involvement from child protective services. 

Traditional services applied by child welfare services may be ineffective when trying to remedy situations of poverty that appear to be child neglect. In most definitions, neglect is found if a child does not have all their basic needs met and could be harmed from their needs not being met. Under many definitions of neglect, poverty can be equated to neglect unless otherwise specified. If child welfare services become involved for all the reasons discussed above, then the determination made is based on a definition that automatically makes people who are living in poverty more susceptible to a finding of neglect. However, on top of that, public resources put in place to alleviate poverty are insufficient to actually relieve poverty, and there has been a growing trend to restrict aid when the need is increasing. There are also incidents of poverty that could lead to a situation that looks like neglect. For example, poorer parents may suffer from social isolation because there are fewer adults in their lives who can help out and provide support.

While there is not a clear answer to how this problem should be resolved, there have been a couple of suggestions. One proposal advocates for changing how child protective services interact with families. Instead of making the process an adversarial investigation, child welfare should come in non-adversarially and develop mutually agreed-upon solutions. An additional proposal recommends providing families social support that allows them a place to go for help before child proactive services become involved. Another way to efficiently use child welfare resources is to do blind removal decisions, where child protective service professionals make a decision based on an initial assessment of a case without certain demographics like race or the neighborhood where the family lives. This system was tested in Nassau County in New York. In 2010, 55.5% of the children removed from homes were Black. In five years, after using blind removals, this went down to 29%. Removing unnecessary information regarding socioeconomic factors may reduce the number of families in poverty involved with child protective services where there is no issue of neglect. While there is not a clear set of alternative measures that could be used to replace the current system in place, there is a definite need for a system that stops targeting families in poverty.

It is also important to look at how New Jersey courts determine what actions constitute neglect, and how the courts’ definition affects situations where poverty is a factor. N.J.S.A. § 9:6-8.21 defines neglect as:

“a . . . failure of [a] parent or guardian, as herein defined, to exercise a minimum degree of care (a) in supplying the child with adequate food, clothing, shelter, education, medical or surgical care though financially able to do so or though offered financial or other reasonable means to do so, or (b) in providing the child with proper supervision or guardianship, by unreasonably inflicting or allowing to be inflicted harm, or substantial risk thereof, including the infliction of excessive corporal punishment; or by any other acts of a similarly serious nature requiring the aid of the court.”

New Jersey courts have focused specifically on the phrase “minimum degree of care” to determine whether the parent or guardian’s action constitutes child neglect. Per the New Jersey Supreme Court, “minimum degree of care” means grossly negligent conduct. This conduct does not need to be intentional but can be anything from slight oversight to malicious purpose to cause injury. The Court provided a definition to determine the “minimum degree of care” because it was determined that it was more important to look at the actual harm that occurred to the child rather than the intent behind the guardian’s action. The Court also decided that this inquiry would be made on a case-by-case basis depending on the dangers of the given situation and whether the caregiver in the situation acted appropriately.

In 2011, the New Jersey Supreme Court held that a case of ordinary negligence is not enough to constitute child neglect. They described the attitude needed to find neglect as a reasonable person realizing the risks and acting with reckless disregard for others’ safety. The Court stated “[e]ven watchful parents find it a near impossibility to be aware of a child’s movements at every turn,” making a point that a single harmless accident does not constitute neglect. In making these decisions, the Court determined that the legislative intent behind N.J.S.A. § 9:6-8.21 was to protect children from unsafe situations rather than punish parents for a harmless accident. The Court made it clear that to be found guilty of child neglect or endangerment, a parent or guardian must willfully act in a way that is likely to result in an injury. The court decided on a lower standard than simple negligence because if simple negligence was considered neglect, then a normal accident could be considered neglect. This could have significant consequences on family life. Situations in which children are not being harmed and living healthy, happy and safe lives will be intruded upon by members of child protective services. 

New Jersey courts have regularly decided that while poverty can be used as one factor in deciding whether a child is being neglected, poverty alone cannot constitute neglect. This is illustrated in a case where a mother brought her children to the Division looking for aid and was fully willing to cooperate with the Division’s recommendations because she did not have housing. The mother had already tried to secure a job, welfare and housing, but was unsuccessful mostly due to child care issues. The Division noted that the children seemed healthy and safe. Despite this, the family court judge said the family’s homelessness was due to the mother’s poor planning for coming to the state with insufficient funds to travel home, and ruled for neglect. The Appellate Division reversed this ruling, stating that the mother’s poor planning was “at least in part a side-effect of poverty.” However, she sought help from the resources available to her to do what was best for her children. The Court also emphasized the importance that impoverished and homeless parents feel like they can use resources meant to help without fear of being punished for “poor planning.”

While poverty alone cannot cause a finding of neglect, poverty alone can be a reason why state actors get involved with a family. This involvement can lead to many complications. One complication is that children can be separated from their families, only for a later appeal to make it clear that the original decision and separation were made wrongfully. Furthermore, when looking at poverty, the minimum degree of care standard of gross or wanton negligence is still in effect. Courts consider poverty as one of many factors that will be weighed to determine whether neglect actually exists, but poverty alone is not a basis for a finding of abuse or neglect.