What’s New?

New Law Limits Expulsion for Students Grades K-2

Posted on September 7, 2016

bannedACNJ applauds new legislation signed into law on September 6 by Governor Christie that bans schools in New Jersey from expelling students in grades kindergarten through second grade. The new law also strictly limits schools from giving students out-of-school suspensions unless the conduct is dangerous to others.

ACNJ thanks bill sponsors Senators Teresa Ruiz and Shirley Turner and Assemblypersons Valerie Vainieri Huttle and Benjie Wimberley for this critical step to improving school discipline for young children.

But the work surrounding the bill is still unfinished. Limiting suspensions and expulsions is important, but school districts, educators, and the New Jersey Department of Education will need to determine how to implement the law in a way that addresses the causes of student misbehavior.

The new law requires that school districts identify students in preschool through grade two with behavioral problems and provide supports for these students. However, many districts may lack these supports for students, and the clock is ticking for the law to take effect starting next school year (fall 2017).

Read Press of Atlantic City story.

The bill expands on existing bans on expulsion and out-of-school suspension for state-funded preschool in New Jersey. New Jersey joins states such as California, Connecticut and Oregon that have limited or eliminated suspensions for children in the early grades.

ACNJ supports the new law; suspension and expulsion are inappropriate for young children. Keeping young children out of school leads to lost learning and does nothing to solve the cause of a child’s behavior. Thanks to advocates and legislators from around the state, the new law represents a step in the right direction.

The next step is for district and state education leaders to determine how to educate staff and faculty about the legal change, how to ensure that appropriate supports are put in place, and how to get resources for behavioral issues to schools and students.

States such as Connecticut have developed early childhood consultation partnerships that have succeeded in helping preschool and childcare providers reduce disruptive behavior without suspending or expelling students. The Connecticut program takes a team of community-based social workers to help teachers address problem behaviors early and provide support for families.

ACNJ encourages educators and community members from across the state to take the following steps:

• Educate yourself and others about the new law, which takes effect during school year 2017-18.
• Ask how your district will provide supports for young students who misbehave.
• Stay informed about what services will be provided and how to refer students to additional resources.

Additionally, families who need behavioral health services for their child’s behavior can contact New Jersey’s Children’s System of Care at 1-877-652-7624.

NJ high schools lag in serving breakfast to teens

Posted on August 29, 2016

As students across New Jersey head back to school, high schoolers will be less likely to begin their day with a healthy breakfast, according to an analysis by Advocates for Children of New Jersey and the New Jersey Food for Thought Campaign.

Read release.

Download the report.

View this video and check out how some NJ high schools are making it work with breakfast after the bell, and hear what teens have to say about it.


View memo from the Department of Education encouraging breakfast after the bell.

View memo and a brochure  from the Department of Agriculture encouraging districts to serve breakfast after the bell and providing guidance on how to best serve breakfast to increase federal reimbursements.

Visit njschoolbreakfast.org to find help resources to promote and implement breakfast after the bell.


2016 Newark Kids Count Released

Posted on August 1, 2016


Report: Newark children faring better in midst of pervasive poverty
Life for Newark children continues to improve with marked progress in critical areas of child well-being, including a drop in teen births and juvenile arrests, as well as a rise in the high school graduation rate and median income, but most Newark families still live in poverty, according to the 2016 Newark Kids Count report released today.

Follow @ACNJforKids on Twitter!

Posted on July 5, 2016

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  • Once confirmed, you can start tweeting!
  • The link for your twitter page will be www.twitter.com/(twitter handle). For example, ACNJ’s link is www.twitter.com/acnjforkids

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