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NJ Lead Levels on the Rise, with Newark Leading

Posted on March 1, 2019

Today, NJ.com reported that for the first time in years, the number of New Jersey kids with too much lead in their blood is up, with Newark showing the highest increase. In 2017, of the Newark children between six months old and 26 months old that were tested, 281 showed elevated lead levels in their blood. That’s 5.9 percent of all tested children in the city, up from 5.3 percent in 2016. It’s Newark’s first increase in the city’s childhood lead cases since 2013.

Newark received wide media attention recently due to the presence of lead in their water infrastructure. However, ACNJ policy counsel Peter Chen emphasized that lead is also found in old homes throughout the city. It’s even in the soil of Newark due to the heavy use of leaded gasoline in motor vehicles decades ago.

“Lead is baked into the infrastructure of the city,” Chen said. “Until we get the lead out, we’re going to continue to see kids exposed to lead year after year.”

Earlier this year, Chen first highlighted Newark’s increase in elevated blood lead levels among the city’s children. Read his blog here.

ZERO TO THREE Releases State of Babies Yearbook

Posted on February 26, 2019

New Jersey Showing Positive Progress for Children,
Still has Room to Grow Compared to Rest of Nation

New Jersey ranks among the top half of all states for infant and toddler well-being, according to a national report released today by the early childhood development nonprofit ZERO TO THREE and children’s research organization Child Trends. 

The State of Babies Yearbook: 2019 is a first-of-its-kind resource that provides a national snapshot and comparisons across states of how our youngest children are faring. The Yearbook compiles nearly 60 indicators—specifically for children ages 0 to 3—to measure progress across three policy areas: Good Health, Strong Families and Positive Early Learning Experiences. Read more.

Download State of Babies Yearbook: 2019
Download New Jersey Rankings Fact Sheet

Learn more about ACNJ’s birth-to-three advocacy efforts.

See Us In The News

Feb. 27, 2019 The State Of New Jersey’s Babies is Strong But Lagging in Important Areas | NJSpotlight

Feb. 27, 2019 Report Show Jersey Making Progress For Young Child Welfare | NJ 101.5

Newark Kids Count 2019 to be released March 28!

Posted on February 21, 2019

Don’t miss the release of our Annual Newark Kids Count report!

Good data drives smart decisions. That is the goal of New Jersey Kids Count, part of the national KIDS COUNT(R) network. Published annually since 1997, Newark Kids Count tracks key trends in child health and well-being in New Jersey’s largest city. This year’s data book features a special section on the city’s young men of color, in partnership with My Brother’s Keeper Newark.

In addition to this year’s data presentation, please join us for a conversation between two of Newark’s young men and Mayor Ras Baraka and Superintendent Roger Leon.

Registration for the event begins at 9:00 AM. Presentation begins at 9:30 AM.

Make sure you sign up today!

Governor Murphy Signs into Law Paid Family Leave Expansion

Posted on February 19, 2019

On February 19, Governor Murphy signed into law a bill expanding paid family leave for working families in New Jersey. For an overview of the changes in the bill, click here.

For parents of young children, big changes are coming, including:

  • Extended time off to care for a loved one from a maximum of six weeks to 12 weeks,
  • Higher wages for employees on leave, and
  • Increased intermittent leave to 56 weeks, allowing parents to take a few days a week to care for their child.

Strengthening New Jersey’s paid family leave to reach more families has been a priority of ACNJ’s Right From The Start campaign. Read Cecilia Zalkind’s op-ed on how paid leave helps babies, not just their parents.

Send a message to thank Governor Murphy for signing the Paid Family Leave Expansion bill into law.

In the coming months ACNJ will continue its campaign efforts to let our state leaders know that we want them to Think Babies! Stay tuned.

Child Welfare Training Videos On Demand

Posted on February 6, 2019

New Jersey's child protection system can be complicated, stressful and frightening for the children, parents and the caregivers involved. ACNJ developed a series of videos on topics relating to child welfare, the need to consider a child's developing mind when making decisions and ways to potentially mitigate any stress they might experience as a result.