Urging policymakers to Think Babies!
There are no do-overs in early childhood. From birth to age 3, the brain grows faster than any other point in time, laying the foundation for the rest of a child’s life. Strolling Thunder New Jersey aims to bring attention to what our youngest children need to thrive: quality child care, healthy starts for babies and support for their new parents.
On May 30, we had nearly 150 babies and their families along with many advocates join ACNJ in Trenton for a stroll in front of the State House Annex to tell Governor Murphy and the Legislature that we want them to make babies a higher state priority! This annual rally is part of a campaign to remind our lawmakers to #ThinkBabies when making decisions.
Visit our Facebook page and share our posts.
Check out the videos below of parents and advocates sending a message to our policymakers to make babies a higher state priority!
View the compelling voices of StrollingThunder New Jersey 2019 telling leaders what babies need.
View this video recap of Strolling Thunder New Jersey 2018 asking leaders to Help Be a Hero for Babies!
Recent Successes

Prepare to stroll with us to Trenton.
- View Strolling Thunder NJ FAQs (Lea version en español.)
- Sign-up form
- Sign a photo/video release form if you are bringing a child
- Download Families Toolkit
- Download Partner's Toolkit
- View map for the day with list of accommodations
- Instructions for chartering a bus for Strolling Thunder NJ
- Download a travel expenses reimbursement form

What can you do? Get Involved!
Learn more about this issue. Check out our reports, fact sheets and links to research.
Talk to your neighbors and representatives. Use these Talking Points to get started.
Share your stories so that politicians know how important babies are to the future of New Jersey.
Write an op-ed for your local newspaper. Get started here!