Archives: future_stories

Parent Voices: What needs to happen #ChildCareThatWorks

“Make it more available. Because the issue here is not being able to even get to child care or have child care. Make it more accessible, more affordable, and less problems in the registration.”

“We need an actual substantive comparison that you can make, more options, good options, would have been less frustrating.”

“Let the government know child care matters and that they recognize the strain on families.”

Parent Voices: When to begin? #NeverTooEarly

“You have to do it before you conceive!”

“I didn’t realize how much in advance you needed to secure a spot… I went to a few day cares and they [said] we have one spot left and there were all these other families touring…. You have to make this huge decision and you have 24 hours to make it! I put my name on waiting lists before we even moved here. They [the child care center] were my first call, they were the first people after my family to find out I was pregnant.”

Parent Voices: Flexible hours #Unavailable

“The majority of my background is sales, so people want to hire you for nights and weekends and I don’t have weekend help at all.”

“It depends on the kind of occupation that you have that determines the hours you need, especially if you work at nighttime…. I guess you have to have someone you trust watch them at nighttime.”

“We need a 24-hour day care and with shifts in it because some people work at night.”