Tell your state legislators that YOU support additional funding for preschool!
Category: Preschool
National KIDS COUNT Ranks NJ 8th in Child Well-Being
State ranks second in education nationwide but lags in economic well-being
Another State Budget that Shortchanges Young Children
Failing to expand state-funded preschool is not the state’s only shortcoming. Child care subsidies, which help low-income families work, have not increased since 2008.
ACNJ Testimony on Preschool and New Jersey’s School Funding Formula
ACNJ calls for state to ensure young children have or continue to have access to quality preschool experiences and make it a higher funding priority in our state.
New Law Limits Expulsion for Students Grades K-2
New ban also strictly limits student out-of-school suspensions unless the conduct is dangerous to others. Learn more about the law and next steps you can take.