Summer intern Kate Evans surveyed 100 stakeholders throughout New Jersey who are involved in the juvenile justice system. Using these data, she analyses our successes, and ways we can improve.
Category: Library Document
Blog: Collaborating to Ensure Successful Preschool Expansion
ACNJ and its partner, the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) have been criss-crossing the state working to prepare school districts, Head Start and child care providers to expand preschool in more New Jersey communities.
New Report Details Opportunities to Address Adverse Childhood Experiences in NJ
Read this report from the NJ Funders ACEs Collaborative.
Report on Department of Children and Families’ Progress Released
Last week, the federal monitor released her latest report on New Jersey’s progress in working with troubled families and children in foster care and meeting the requirements of the SEP.
NJ Fifth in Nation for Overall Child Well-Being
New Jersey sees measurable progress since 1990, but still shows areas for improvements.