In September, several staff members participated in events across the state, highlighting the state of children in local communities in Newark and Mercer County.
Category: Kids Count
Kids Count data = ammunition for advocacy
NJ COUNT 2017 recap: Watch Ceil Zalkind challenge child advocates, check out interactive charts of data highlights, see what candidates had to say about kids.
New Jersey Kids Count 2017 Out!
See progress of child well-being and areas in need of improvement and check out our interactive data charts.
Newark Kids Count report shows progress made, more work needed
The annual data report by Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ), which tracks trends in child well-being in Newark, found a decrease in uninsured kids, births to teens and admissions to the hospital for asthma.
Cory Booker, Jennifer Velez celebrate 25th Anniversary of NJ Kids Count
View special video message from Sen. Booker on the importance of Kids Count.