ACNJ is inviting families to share why they’re making noise for babies!
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Housing Survey on Homelessness Prevention Services
The objective of the survey is to examine how we may better coordinate efforts to prevent and address homelessness, particularly of families, children and youth, in our state.
Register: Child Care and the Pandemic
What are parents’ concerns about going back to “out-of-the-home” child care as the economy reopens? We will hear from parents who have their children in child care now and hear how providers have created a safe environment. A nurse will be present to answer any COVID-19-related questions.
Nina Peckman to speak about discipline in public charter schools
On Wed., June 27th, Nina will be a panelists at the program held by The Education and Health Law Clinic at Rutgers Law School. Learn more.
Congrats to ACNJ’s Cynthia Rice!
For her graduation from the Casey Foundation’s results-based leadership institute that helps advocates score big wins for kids.