Staff attorney Nina Peckman explains how education guidances have developed since mid-March and how parents can help their children with special needs have the opportunity to succeed academically.
Category: Student Rights
Blog: New Jersey School Reopening Plan Leaves Unanswered Questions, Helping Parents Voice Their Concerns
How will the needs of students with disability services be met in the 2020-2021 school year? What is a district’s obligation to a student with a disability who has demonstrated that the remote model does not work for them?
NJDOE Releases New Back to School Guidelines
At a minimum, school districts must adopt a policy for screening students and employees for
symptoms of COVID-19 and history of exposure and must strive for social distancing within the
classroom and on school buses.
School Districts Need More Concrete Guidance During COVID-19
In order to be ready for the 2020-2021 school year, districts need guidance from the state now to navigate COVID-19 issues.
COVID-19 School Closures: Addressing Educational Needs of Students with Disabilities
More than ever students with disabilities will need strong advocates to express concerns and collaborate with school staff. Get helpful tips.