Posted on May 18, 2016

What can we learn from states and communities that are already using their local chronic absence data to raise awareness about the impact of absences on student achievement? That was the topic of yesterday’s webinar, Using Data to Drive Action: Portraits of Chronic Absence (organized by Attendance Works).
ACNJ’s Cynthia Rice along with other partners in the Attendance Awareness Campaign presented powerful examples of what it means to respond positively and proactively using data.
View Webinar, Presentation Slides, and Other Resources:
- Using Data to Drive Action: Portraits of Chronic Absence (presentation slides, PDF)
- Using Data to Drive Action: Portraits of Chronic Absence (discussion guide)
- Using Data to Drive Action: Portraits of Chronic Absence (webinar recording)
- State pages: Mississippi, New Jersey, Oregon
- Read more about our free tools for calculating chronic absence
Presenters included: Marci Young, United Way Worldwide; Betsy Hammond, The Oregonian; Cynthia Rice, Advocates for Children of New Jersey; Linda Southward, Mississippi KIDS COUNT; Toni Kersh, Mississippi Department of Education; Cecelia Leong and Hedy Chang, Attendance Works.