It's Time for Baby Talk
Families with young children in New Jersey were struggling long before COVID-19. They continue to struggle with finding affordable quality child care and accessing programs like WIC. To bring attention to what babies and families need, Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) is holding its sixth annual Strolling Thunder. Last year, 17 legislators from 14 districts met with parents from across the state to connect over what babies need. This year, parents from several district will be scheduling a virtual conversation with their legislators to talk about their experiences raising a baby and accessing the programs and policies they need to support their child’s healthy development. It is also a wonderful opportunity for legislators to ask questions.
Zoom meeting from Strolling Thunder New Jersey 2022 with Senate Majority Leader Teresa M. Ruiz, ACNJ , and parent advocate Kenia Arroyabe.
Strolling Thunder NJ is an annual event bringing together parents and caregivers to advocate for better policies for our youngest children. See below to learn more about ACNJ's past Strolling Thunder events on our website.
Strolling Thunder NJ is part of a national movement to recognize that families should be engaged in developing policies that impact them. When we involve families in policy work, we are able to create better solutions for families that truly support them and meet their needs.
Join the 6th Annual Strolling Thunder New Jersey!
Legislators from several districts were sent an email and a letter from a family or families living in the district requesting a virtual meeting between mid-April and mid-May. ACNJ's Campaign and Partner Engagement Coordinator Aaliyah Roulhac will be following up to schedule the meeting. If you have any questions, please reach out to Aaliyah at, or 973-643-3876.
View footage of Strolling Thunder NJ 2022 parents meeting with their legislators.
Read related reports and factsheets
Still No Room for Babies: Child Care Staffing Crisis Impacts Supply of Infant-Toddler Child Care, reveals a widespread shortage of infant and toddler child care.
Infant and Toddler Child Care Capacity Factsheets by County, Congressional and Legislative Districts. Find center capacity for child care in your community.
The brief Babies Have Mental Health Needs Too! Supporting Infant Mental Health in New Jersey details ways the state can improve the system.
View footage from past Strolling Thunder New Jersey events
Check out our first virtual Strolling Thunder New Jersey 2020.
The compelling voices of StrollingThunder New Jersey 2019 tell leaders what babies need.
At StrollingThunder New Jersey 2018 leaders were asked to Help Be a Hero for Babies!