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KidLaw Resource Center – Submit Your Feedback!
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Child Protective Services, Kinship Care and Family Law Thousands of parents and caretakers, children, service providers, educators, attorneys, court staff and volunteers and others contact the KidLaw Resource Center for information and assistance, publications and training on legal issues affecting children. For questions regarding child protective services, kinship care and family law, email Center Director […]
Did you know you and your child’s school can work together to improve your child’s attendance?
Facebook Twitter Linkedin By Nina C. Peckman Staff Attorney For more information on this topic, contact Nina at npeckman@acnj.org WHY DO CHILDREN MISS SCHOOL? According to the parents who reach out to the KidLaw Resource Center for assistance with attendance issues, the most common reasons for absences are: health issues usually involving a chronic health […]
Did you know that chronic absenteeism is still an issue of concern in New Jersey?
Facebook Twitter Linkedin By Keith Hadad Staff Writer For more information on this topic, contact Keith at khadad@acnj.org. In New Jersey, a student is considered chronically absent if 10 percent or more of the school days are missed in the school year. This is the equivalent of 18 missed days or more based on a […]