Posted on June 10, 2020

This first webinar focused on the data and information needed to inform a child care center reopening plan. It covered parent engagement, financials and staffing needs.T he discussion with a panel of child care directors provided real life examples and commentary.
Dr. Dr. Beverly Lynn, CEO of Program for Parents, Inc., Essex County's child care resource and referral agency
- Stephanie Kirby Anderson, Child Care Director, West Essex YMCA, Peanut Shell Early Childhood Learning Ceter (Livingston)
- Winifred Smith-Jenkins, Director of Zadie's Early Childhood Cenger (East Orange) and Zadie's Nurturing Den (Summit)
- Meghan Tavormina, President of the NJ Association for the Education of Young Children (NJAEYC) and Director of The Learning Path Preschool (Chatham)
Department of Child and Families Guidance for New Jersey Child Care Facilities on COVID-19 Related Health and Safety Requirements
For information about shared resources:
Child Care Health Consultants Email:
For additional guidelines and grant information:
- Department of Human Services/Division of Family Development child care website
- Department of Children and Families/Ofice of Licensing
- New Jersey Child Care Information System (NJCCIS) - the website providers use to apply for the grants and register for workshops
Working Parents during COVID-19 & Beyond: Unemployment, Paid Leave, Childcare
Employee Rights: Paid sick leave, family and medical leave slides

Watching this webinar you'll get a view of “the day in the life of” from provider, parent and child’s perspectives. The new policies that will have to be in place and how providers can effectively and efficiently meet the obligations of the new policies. Dr. Beverly Lynn reviews the new social distancing mandates from check – in to check out, as well as safety and cleaning procedures. Hear from emergency child care providers who are on the ground and are able to discuss evolving best practices.
View complete video of A Day in the Life of an Emergency Child Care Center presented in the webinar.
Dr. Dr. Beverly Lynn, CEO of Program for Parents, Inc., Essex County's child care resource and referral agency
- Brian Ross, Esq. Assistant Commissioner for Legal, Regulatory and Legislative Affairs for the NJ Dept. of Children and Families
- Nicole Tiger, Director, Washington Kid Care & Learning Center (Washington, NJ, Warren County)
- Keisha Wright-Daniel, Director of CARE For Me Children's Learning Center, Pennsauken, New Jersey (Camden County)
Department of Child and Families Guidance for New Jersey Child Care Facilities on COVID-19 Related Health and Safety Requirements
For information about shared resources:
Child Care Health Consultants Email:
For additional guidelines and grant information:
- Department of Human Services/Division of Family Development child care website
- Department of Children and Families/Ofice of Licensing
- New Jersey Child Care Information System (NJCCIS) - the website providers use to apply for the grants and register for workshops
Working Parents during COVID-19 & Beyond: Unemployment, Paid Leave, Childcare
Employee Rights: Paid sick leave, family and medical leave slides
Worker protections during COVID-19
FEMA Grants Information
New Jersey Emergency Management Grants application Portal
New Jersey Office of Emergency Management Public Assistance Information COVID-19
Find tutorial videos on FEMA Grants Portal Manager
For questions regarding FEMA the grants manger/portal, email or call the Grants Manager/Portal Hotline at (866) 337-8448.

Consistent and reliable staff was important before and now it is key to successfully reopening your program. Whether a center laid-off or furloughed their staff, this third webinar will take a deep dive into a provider's rights and obligations for re-hiring and training staff. An expert will address concerns about fulfilling staffing needs.
Dr. Dr. Beverly Lynn, CEO of Program for Parents, Inc., Essex County's child care resource and referral agency
- Yarrow Willman-Cole, Workplace Justice Program Director, NJ Citizen Action, Time to Care Coalition
Amy Vazquez, Director, Legal Content, Employers Association of New Jersey
Department of Child and Families Guidance for New Jersey Child Care Facilities on COVID-19 Related Health and Safety Requirements
Employers Association of New Jersey return to work resources
Time to Care Coalition resources
Working Parents during COVID-19 & Beyond: Unemployment, Paid Leave, Childcare
Employee Rights: Paid sick leave, family and medical leave slides
Worker protections during COVID-19
For information about shared resources: