Search for: kidlaw

Over 40 Years of Accomplishments

Join ACNJ for a walk down memory lane 1847 Our Roots in Protecting Children ACNJ grew out of some of the earliest efforts in New Jersey to protect abused and abandoned children and is part of an evolution that began in 1847, when the Newark Orphan Asylum was established. Other organizations in our history included […]

Make a Gift

With your donation we are able to: elevate early childhood care and education issues at the state and federal level; ensure the State fulfills it’s commitment to the health and safety of all New Jersey’s children; through our KidLaw Resource Center provide parent’s resources to ensure they are able to navigate the education system so students […]

ACNJ’s Work

Over the years, ACNJ’s advocacy efforts have resulted in: More children receiving health coverage, improving their chances of growing into healthy adults More children enrolled in quality preschool programs, helping to ensure school success More children receiving a healthy breakfast at school, removing a major barrier to learning More children safe from abuse and neglect […]

Education FAQs

Education FAQs What student records are schools permitted to keep? Do parents have a right to see their child’s school records? Can my child’s school records be released without my consent? What are my district’s disciplinary rules? What disciplinary actions can a school district take against my child if he/she breaks the rules? What actions […]