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Learn About Transition Rights in Special Education

Posted on April 27, 2022

This project is co-sponsored by the New Jersey State Bar Foundation and made possible through funding from the IOLTA Fund of the Bar of New Jersey.

For additional information about the Foundation's other law-related activities, please call
1-800-FREE-LAW or visit the Foundation at njsbf.org.

Thank you to Legal Intern Nicole A. Flynn for her contribution to this project.

Register – Moving Beyond the Pandemic: Business’s Role in Child Care

Posted on April 20, 2022

Many New Jersey businesses continue to struggle with inadequate staffing due to the lack of child care options needed by their existing and prospective employees. Without access to child care, parents, and primarily mothers, cannot return to work.  As we begin, post-pandemic, to reimagine child care, what steps can businesses--large and small---take to support the child care needs of their employees?

Register to be part of the discussion.

Join us via Zoom
Thursday, April 28
9 a.m. - 10 a.m.

Can New Jersey Afford NOT to Invest in Child Care?

Posted on April 14, 2022

Help us make some noise to #ReimagineChildCare in New Jersey.

ACNJ President and CEO Cecilia Zalkind recently authored an op-ed supporting a comprehensive package of bills introduced by State Senate Majority Leader Teresa Ruiz (D- 29) that would invest $360 million for child care in New Jersey. Legislative proposals in the package co-sponsored by Senator Joe Vitale, Senator Nilsa Cruz-Perez and Senator Sandra Bolden Cunningham would help parents, strengthen programs and support staff. One bill, S-2476, incentivizes the development of child care for infants and toddlers, the most difficult for families to find. Read the op-ed

We need to keep the conversation in front of the Governor. He needs to hear from New Jersey residents, especially parents, that it's time to end the child care crisis.

Here's what you can do to keep the conversation going.

Submit a post with a link to the editorial in your local Patch news outlet. Below are some sample posts. You can post your own op-ed as well. It's really easy!

Haven't posted in your local Patch before? If you have a profile in your local Patch, go to patch.com. Click on "neighborhood posts" on the menu bar. In the box where it says "Ask a question or share local news" copy and paste one of the two sample posts below. It's that easy!

Don't know your local Patch or haven't posted before? Go to patch.com. Enter your zip code and a list of local ones will appear. You will then have to sign up and create a profile. Then follow the steps above to post.

Sample #1

Can we afford not to invest in child care? There is a big gap in child care funding and services in New Jersey and parents, programs and the economy are feeling the pain. It’s time New Jersey ends the child care crisis. The $360M investment for babies is a step in that direction. #ReimagineChildCare with us and read an op-ed by Cecilia Zalkind, ACNJ President/CEO: https://www.nj.com/opinion/2022/04/can-new-jersey-afford-not-to-invest-360m-in-child-care-opinion.html

Sample #2

We still have work to do for babies - Governor Murphy's commitment to children has led to extraordinary advances, putting the state ahead of the rest of the country and most importantly, improving the lives and well-being of newborns and preschool-age children. But we are still missing the babies. #ReimagineChildCare with us and read an op-ed by Cecilia Zalkind, ACNJ President/CEO: https://www.nj.com/opinion/2022/04/can-new-jersey-afford-not-to-invest-360m-in-child-care-opinion.html


Submit an op-ed in your local news outlets.

Contact us and we will provide you with assistance.


Share the op-ed with your network and help us keep the momentum going. Follow us on social media and share! (Pro-tip - Facebook groups are great for spreading the word!)

Child Care is in the News. Let’s Keep the Momentum Going.

Posted on April 8, 2022

Senator majority leader M. Teresa Ruiz, joined by colleagues, advocates, stakeholders and providers unveiled a $350M comprehensive bill package which will ensure New Jersey's child care industry can meet the needs of its working families. This announcement got lots of attention in the news.  Now let's get moving and keep the momentum going. Sign up to join the campaign to #reimaginechildcare. If you are interested in responding, via a Letter to the Editor or Op-Ed, to any of the articles below in your area, please contact us at advocates@acnj.org.

Let's get the job done!


Senator Ruiz Proposes Legislative Package of Bills Investing $360M in Child Care

Posted on April 5, 2022

ACNJ applauds the efforts of State Senate Majority Leader Ruiz to #ReimagineChildCare

Today, State Senate Majority Leader Teresa Ruiz (D- 29) introduced a comprehensive package of bills that would invest $360 million for child care in New Jersey. Legislative proposals in the package, co-sponsored by Senator Joe Vitale, Senator Nilsa Cruz-Perez and Senator Sandra Bolden Cunningham, include expanding family eligibility for tuition assistance, extending measures to stabilize child care program funding and incentivizing employers to support child care. The proposal also includes the creation of a new Department of Early Childhood. ACNJ is particularly interested in the proposal to expand child care for infants and toddlers, which continues to be the most difficult for families to find and afford.

Senator Ruiz believes "[t]hese investments will not only benefit our parents and our child care providers but also our entire state. Access to affordable, high-quality child care improves outcomes and pays dividends, every dollar invested offers a $4-$9 return in individual and community benefits. As we face worker shortages across industries, reducing the cost of child care will allow more parents to return to the workforce at a time when we need it most. This multipronged approach works to tackle this issue from every angle to ensure the maximum impact on our economy and our children.”

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the longstanding cracks in the foundation of New Jersey’s child care system, and while funding through several federal child care initiatives has helped to address the most immediate problems, better solutions and greater state support are needed to build the accessible, affordable, equitable child care system of the future for New Jersey families, programs and staff.

ACNJ commends Senator Ruiz for her leadership in sponsoring this critically important legislation. Child care is essential for families and for our economy and is the educational opportunity for our youngest children. This is an important first step toward building a strong New Jersey early care and education system, but it will take an organized advocacy campaign with every stakeholder, including members of the child care community and parents, playing a role to bring about change. Sign up for the Reimagine Child Care Campaign to get the latest updates on child care issues, and to make sure your voice can be heard!

Over the coming months, ACNJ will provide information as the legislation is introduced on steps you can take to communicate with your legislators and Governor Murphy on how important these bills are to parents, programs and of course, the children.

What's In The Legislative Package?
  • S.2475 – Ruiz/Cunningham: Establish the Department of Early Childhood to provide focused and integrated development of 0 to 5 care and education.
  • S.2476 – Ruiz/Vitale: Provide funding for the expansion of infant and toddler seats by 1,000, reimbursed at $22,000 per seat, prioritizing providers in communities identified as child care deserts, areas with high percentage low-income families, as well as those that align their child care center with high quality preschool.
  • S.2477 – Ruiz/Cruz-Perez: Require new preschool programs or seat expansions to use private providers for at least 50% of their preschool slots.
  • S.2478 – Ruiz/Vitale: Extend the enrollment-based payment model currently set to expire on June 30, 2022. The bill would extend the program for three years, with a report on the impact at the end of this year and the end of the three years.
  • S.2479 – Ruiz: Provide tax incentives to employers who provide child care in their facilities, reimburse parents for their child care expenses or contract with private providers so their employees can enroll their children in those child care programs.
  • S.1099 – Vitale/Ruiz: Allows a gross income tax credit for a child care staff members who have been employed by a child care provider or worked as a registered family day care provider for a minimum of 1,260 hours for a six month period during the taxable year.
  • S.2480 – Ruiz/Vitale: Extend child care subsidies to families earning up to 300% of the federal poverty line.
  • S.2465 – Vitale/Ruiz: Require the Department of Human Services to establish a quality-based reimbursement system for registered family day care providers participating in Grow NJ Kids.
  • SJR.79 – Ruiz/Cunningham/Vitale/Cruz-Perez: Designate the first full week of April as the “Week of the Young Child” in New Jersey.