Posted on July 28, 2015
Most children, in the first years of their lives, experience multiple environments of care and learning. As children transition from child care to preschool, preschool to kindergarten, kindergarten to first grade, etc., too often, little attention is paid to how they acclimate to those changes or how early learning programs are prepared for their arrival.
ACNJ’s newly released policy brief, Right from the Start: Guiding Young Children’s Transitions in the Early Years, outlines current early learning transition practices in New Jersey and makes recommendations to strengthen these practices so that transitions are smoother for children, families and educators, alike. The report includes a review of state guidelines and regulations, findings from a survey of early education professors and a parent focus group.
Learn about ACNJ’s work in aligning preschool through 3rd grade education.
Browse ACNJ’s early learning publications and activities.