Child Protection

Goal: All children will be free from abuse or neglect and safe in permanent homes.

Child Protection

Since its inception, ACNJ has worked to ensure the safety and well-being of our children and youth. Today, ACNJ is particularly focused on preventing inappropriate placement of children and youth into foster care and addressing the disproportionate representation of children of color in the child welfare system.

ACNJ is not a first responder. If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, call the New Jersey child abuse hotline at 1-877- NJ Abuse (877-652-2873).

If you have a question about a case or are having trouble with a case handled by the Department of Children and Families, including the Division of Child Protection and Permanency and the Children’s System of Care, call the department’s Office of Advocacy at 877-543-7864. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or email at

Training Videos On Demand

New Jersey's child protection system can be complicated, stressful and frightening for the children, parents and the caregivers involved. ACNJ developed a series of videos on topics relating to child welfare, the need to consider a child's developing mind when making decisions and ways to potentially mitigate any stress they might experience as a result.

ACNJ's child welfare policy work is supported by the Community Foundation of New Jersey and the Schumann Fund for New Jersey.