Posted on April 5, 2023

Tuesday, May 2, 2023
10:30AM - 12PM
Mt. Zion Baptist Church
437 Grieves Parkway, Salem City, NJ
The Salem Health and Wellness Foundation, in partnership with Advocates for Children of New Jersey is having a discussion on Salem County Kids Count data- another in a series of community conversation sponsored by the Foundation.
This is an important opportunity to learn more about the challenges and opportunities facing children and their families in Salem County. The Kids Count Data is an excellent way to highlight the critical data points for those who work with children, advocate for them and care about their future. We encourage your participation to help improve outcomes for children in Salem County.
Mary Coogan, Pres/CEO of Advocates for Children of New Jersey
Alena Siddiqui, Kids Count Coordinator, ACNJ
Assemblywoman Beth Sawyer
Salem City Mayor Jody Veler
Christy Burnham, Executive Director of Cornerstone Women’s Resource Center
Paul DiLorenzo, Executive Director of the Salem Health and Wellness Foundation
Welcome remarks: Pastor Awood Jones, Pastor Mt. Zion Church
Moderator: Jasmin McMillon and Keath Gerald from the Forman Acton Foundation
* A light lunch will provided to participants. Parking available.
All residents of Salem County are invited to attend but must register in advance.