On Wednesday, November 10th, Advocates for Children of New Jersey and the New Jersey Department of Children and Families held a 2021 Virtual Fall Forum to discuss advances in DCF’s strategic goals and provide status updates on vital initiatives like the Pritzker grant, race equity, universal home visiting, school-linked services, child care, CSOC rates and […]
Category: Webinar
Register – ACNJ/NJ DCF 2021 Virtual Fall Forum
Register for the Viewing – Pandemic Stress: Supporting Young Children, Families, and the Early Childhood Workforce
To kick off Celebrate Babies Week, ACNJ hosted the webinar “Pandemic Stress: Supporting Young Children, Families, and the Early Childhood Workforce”. This webinar featured a special presentation from Dr. Walter Gilliam from Yale University Child Study Center on his recent research on the impact of the pandemic on young children, their families and child care […]
Join the Celebration! Sustaining the Essential Role of the Caregiver
From October 18th to October 22nd, ACNJ and our partners will be elevating the importance of supporting babies and their caretakers. This year’s theme is “Sustaining the Essential Role of the Caregiver.” Caregivers have been essential in the lives of our youngest, ensuring their social-emotional well-being while struggling through a pandemic themselves. We want to […]