Category: Preschool

View the Recording – Bringing State-Funded Preschool to Your District

On May 17, 2023, parents and community members learned how to advocate for free, full-day, state-funded preschool in their districts. Keynote speakers included ACNJ Senior Policy Analyst Cynthia Rice, National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER)’s Early Childhood Education Technical Assistance Specialist Beth Ann Gardiner, and Tezeta “Tez” Roro, M.B.A., a parent advocate who helped […]

Preschool Expansion Roadmap for Parents, Providers, Districts

A strong early care and education system that includes high-quality preschool provides young children with the educational foundation they need to be successful in kindergarten and beyond.  For more than 20 years, New Jersey’s nationally recognized preschool program has served thousands of young children throughout the state. Since 2017, the New Jersey Department of Education […]

NJ Preschool Expansion: A Roadmap for School Districts

The proposed FY 2022 state budget includes an additional $50 million in preschool expansion funding, including $26 million to assist approximately 30 new districts to launch programs. The opportunity to take advantage means begin planning NOW! Download the NJ Preschool Expansion Roadmap for School Districts. 2021_06_21prekexpansiondistrictroadmap2021