Category: Library Document

Register for the 2022 NJ DCF Fall Forum

Facebook Twitter Linkedin Register for the annual 2022 NJ DCF Fall Forum, hosted in partnership by Advocates for Children of New Jersey and the New Jersey Department of Children and Families. Attendees will receive updates on the latest news and data regarding the Department’s efforts, and learn about forthcoming opportunities to further assist involved children […]

Mom Congress 2022 – Changing “Mortality into Vitality”

Posted 9/28/2022 By Faryal Najeeb, Parent Leadership Council member Facebook Twitter Linkedin For this year’s Mom Congress in Washington, D.C., approximately 180 women and men from 29 states called for legislators to change “mortality into vitality”.* From September 18th to 20th, delegates gathered to advocate for federal bills to address pivotal issues – the shortage […]

Lessons learned in engaging and supporting New Jersey’s hard-to-reach child care community

In early 2022, Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) received funding from several national associations to support and engage child care providers who were less likely to apply for the stabilization grant funds, including family child care providers, small child care centers, providers who speak a language other than English and faith‐based programs. The […]

Take Action: Urge Congress to support new legislation for home visiting services

The Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program, the primary source of funding for New Jersey’s robust home visiting system, expired on September 30, 2022. While MIECHV has been included in the Continuing Resolution through December, Congress must act now to ensure the program is reauthorized and there is no lapse in funding. […]