Having your child be bullied, or having your child accused of bullying, can be an overwhelming experience for a parent. Staff Attorney Nina Peckmen offers a brief overview of the Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) laws in New Jersey public schools, as well as gives guidance to navigate the process.
Category: Library Document
POSTPONED: 2nd Annual 5k Walk/Run for Kids
Facebook Twitter Linkedin Advocates for Children of New Jersey’s 2nd Annual 5K Race for Kids is postponed. We apologize to everyone for the inconvenience. We will follow up with registrants directly regarding refunds or any questions they may have. Please reach out if you have any questions as well to advocates@acnj.org. Thank you. Join Advocates […]
Watch: Mary Coogan Joins Steve Adubato to Discuss #ReimagineChildCare
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Big Budget with Big Wins for Kids
Here are highlights of New Jersey’s FY2024 budget spending on children and families. On June 30th, Governor Murphy signed into law the largest budget in state history – $54.5 billion for FY2024, a 7% increase in state spending. The budget will cover all of the state’s planned spending from July 1, 2023 to June 30, […]
Newark Kids Count 2023, A City Profile of Child Well-Being
Download Report News Release 2023_06_30_Newark_Kids_Count_A_City_Profile_of_well_being