Category: KidLaw Resource Directory

Did you know reports of bias-based incidents in N.J. schools have increased by 400% since 2018?

Facebook Twitter Linkedin By Olivia Carrara Leontine Young Fellow For more information on this topic, contact ACNJ’s staff attorney, Nina Peckman, Esq., at Since 2013, the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Task Force has been collecting and reporting data on the prevalence of harassment, intimidation, and bullying (HIB) in N.J. schools. The newest report, released at […]

Blog: Poverty Alone Does Not Mean Abuse

Posted 9/19/2022 By Esther Thomas, ACNJ Legal Intern, Summer ’22 Facebook Twitter Linkedin Over the past several years, those working on child abuse and neglect cases have raised public awareness concerning the overrepresentation of children of color involved with child protective services. This is not just an issue in New Jersey – it is a […]

Safe Babies Court Team Approach is Working in NJ: Time to Expand

Posted 9/16/2022 By Mary Coogan, ACNJ Vice President The hard work and commitment of those involved in New Jersey’s child welfare system including Division of Child Protection and Permanency (CP&P) staff, department leadership, attorneys, caretakers, service providers, judges, court staff and court volunteers has resulted in a steady and significant reduction in the number of […]