Cecilia Zalkind reflects on ACNJ’s long-time commitment to advocate for the very young and how NJ Babies Count 2018 will help us identify their needs and track progress.
Category: Early Care and Education
ACNJ releases NJ Babies Count 2018, A Statewide Profile on Infants and Toddlers
This latest Kids Count report has a focus on data on the well-being of babies zero to three, who they are and the challenges they face.
US Senator Cory Booker Discusses How Children Must be a Priority
Check out the video.
Join Think Babies and Act! Day of Action.
Today ZERO TO THREE and partners across the country will tell Senators to Think Babies and Act!™ when funding programs for babies and families.
What a day for babies! Strolling Thunder New Jersey was a HUGE success.
This is just the beginning of more to come. View photos and news coverage of the event.