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Author: Eloisa Hernandez-Ramos
Petition to invest in New Jersey’s child care infrastructure-
Facebook Twitter Linkedin It’s budget season in Trenton. Lawmakers are deciding how to spend public funds for the state’s resources, programs, and services! Add your name to the growing list of parents, caregivers, and advocates urging the state legislature to make strong investments in New Jersey’s child care infrastructure. By simply providing your name and […]
Check out data highlights on Evidence-Based Home Visiting programs in New Jersey
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Urge legislators to invest in New Jersey’s child care infrastructure
Facebook Twitter Linkedin Just like our roads and railways, New Jersey’s child care infrastructure must be well-funded and sustainable. Urge your legislative representatives to prioritize investment in child care and its workforce to promote: quality early care and education; support for working families; and a prosperous future for our children and economy.
Join our campaign to invest in New Jersey’s child care infrastructure
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