An outline of the progress made to date to reform New Jersey’s child welfare system.
Author: Eloisa Hernandez-Ramos
SCOTUS Ruling Reinforces Educational Rights of Students with Disabilities
On March 22, 2017, the United States Supreme Court made a unanimous decision that will help children with disabilities across the country.
Another State Budget that Shortchanges Young Children
Failing to expand state-funded preschool is not the state’s only shortcoming. Child care subsidies, which help low-income families work, have not increased since 2008.
Newark Kids Count report shows progress made, more work needed
The annual data report by Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ), which tracks trends in child well-being in Newark, found a decrease in uninsured kids, births to teens and admissions to the hospital for asthma.
Tackling Absenteeism in Plainfield: Early Childhood Taking the Lead
Behind every student absence is a story. Behind chronic absenteeism data are the daily challenges of teachers, families and children.